周三早盘,新西兰元50指数下跌80点,跌幅0.6%,至12331点,连续第二次下跌。周二,由于特朗普总统对加拿大征收关税的不确定性以及美国2月份CPI数据公布前的谨慎态度,投资者情绪受到压力,华尔街领跌。在国内,新西兰的食品通胀数据将在未来几天公布,此前1月份的食品通胀率达到2.3%的12个月高点。与此同时,2月份电子卡交易量增长了0.3%,从前一个月的1.6%的下降中反弹,但每年下降4.2%。损失受到特朗普总统和中国领导人Xi可能在6月举行会晤的迹象的限制,这被视为两国之间持续贸易紧张局势下的善意姿态。大多数行业交易走低,能源矿产、非能源矿产和医疗保健行业领跌。早期落后者包括Colonial Motor Co.(-2.6%)、Fisher&Paykel Healthcare(-1.8%)和PGG Wrightson有限公司(-1.5%)。
The NZX 50 fell 80 points or 0.6% to 12,331 during Wednesday’s morning session, marking its second consecutive decline. The downturn followed a weak lead from Wall Street on Tuesday, as uncertainty over President Trump's tariffs on Canada and caution ahead of US CPI data for February weighed on investors' sentiment. Domestically, New Zealand's food inflation data will be due in the coming days, after January saw a 12-month high of 2.3%. Meanwhile, electronic card transactions rose 0.3% mom in February, rebounding from a 1.6% decline in the prior month, but they slipped 4.2% annually. Losses were limited by signs of a potential meeting between President Trump and Chinese leader Xi Jinping in June, seen as a goodwill gesture amid ongoing trade tensions between the two nations. Most sectors traded lower, led by energy minerals, non-energy minerals, and healthcare. Among early laggards were Colonial Motor Co. (-2.6%), Fisher & Paykel Healthcare (-1.8%), and PGG Wrightson Ltd. (-1.5%).