欧洲股市3月初表现积极,STOXX 50和STOXX 600微涨近0.1%,交易员在等待关键通胀数据和欧洲央行本周晚些时候的货币政策决定的同时评估了地缘政治发展。国防类股领涨,莱茵金属公司(17.6%)、亨索特公司(20%)、泰雷兹公司(16.6%)和莱昂纳多公司(12.4%)股价飙升,此前欧洲领导人推动组建英国所谓的“自愿联盟”,以加强乌克兰的安全,同时人们对增加国防开支的期望越来越高。与此同时,投资者仍然关注的是,最后一刻的协议是否可以阻止对从墨西哥和加拿大进口到美国的商品征收25%的关税,以及将于本周生效的对中国商品征收10%的额外关税。在数据方面,预计今天公布的欧元区初步CPI数据将加强市场对欧洲央行将再次降息的押注。
European stocks started March on a positive note, with the STOXX 50 and STOXX 600 edging up nearly 0.1%, as traders assessed geopolitical developments while awaiting key inflation data and the ECB's monetary policy decision later in the week. Defense stocks led gains, with Rheinmetall (17.6%), Hensoldt (20%), Thales (16.6%), and Leonardo (12.4%) surging after European leaders pushed to form what Britain called a “coalition of the willing” to bolster Ukraine's security, alongside growing expectations of increased defense spending. Meanwhile, investors remain focused on whether a last-minute deal can prevent the implementation of 25% tariffs on imports from Mexico and Canada to the US, as well as an additional 10% tariff on Chinese goods, set to take effect this week. On the data front, preliminary Eurozone CPI figures, due today, are expected to reinforce market bets that the ECB will proceed with another rate cut.