美元/日元上涨测试151.20–大华银行集团。超买美元(USD)上涨至测试151.20兑日元(JPY)的可能性;不太可能持续高于这一水平。从长远来看,下行势头已经消退;大华银行集团外汇分析师Quek Ser Leang和Peter Chia指出,目前的价格走势可能是反弹的一部分,反弹可能达到151.90。
USD/JPY advance to test 151.20 – UOB Group.Chance for overbought US Dollar (USD) advance to test 151.20 vs Japanese Yen (JPY); a sustained rise above this level is unlikely. In the longer run, downward momentum has faded; current price movements are likely part of a rebound that could potentially reach 151.90, UOB Group's FX analysts Quek Ser Leang and Peter Chia note.