The GDP in Tunisia expanded 2.4% year-on-year in the last three months of 2024, the strongest performance since the third quarter of 2022, compared to a 1.8% gain in the previous period. Faster increases were seen in trade and repair (2.3% vs 1%), transportation and storage (5% vs 1.3%), public administration and defense (1.9% vs 0.3%), agriculture (12.1% vs 10.6%), education (1.9% vs 0.8%), and mining (17.5% vs 1.5%). Domestic demand soared 7.1% (vs 4%) while imports soared 9.7% (vs 4.9%) and exports decreased slightly more (-0.2% vs -0.1%). Year-on-year, the GDP in Tunisia grew 0.9%, the most in three years, compared to a 0.8% gain in Q3. Considering full 2024, the economy expanded 1.4%.