Stanbic IBTC Bank Nigeria PMI从1月份的52.0升至2025年2月的53.7,标志着私营部门连续第三个月增长。这标志着自2024年1月以来商业环境的最大扩张,在客户需求增加和新项目承诺的推动下,新订单以一年多来的最快速度增长。作为回应,农业、制造业、服务业和批发零售业的产出都有所扩大。尽管有所增长,但由于员工成本高昂,就业人数仅略有上升。然而,采购活动飙升至2023年5月以来的最快速度,供应商交货时间缩短了七个月来最多。在价格方面,尽管约39%的公司提高了收费,但投入成本通胀降至10个月低点,而销售价格通胀降至7个月低点。最后,商业信心略有下降,但仍保持乐观,企业计划开设新工厂并增加出口。
The Stanbic IBTC Bank Nigeria PMI rose to 53.7 in February 2025, up from 52.0 in January, signaling the third consecutive month of growth in the private sector. This marked the sharpest expansion in business conditions since January 2024, with new orders rising at the fastest pace in over a year, driven by higher customer demand and new project commitments. In response, output expanded across agriculture, manufacturing, services, and wholesale & retail sectors. Despite growth, employment rose only marginally due to high staff costs. However, purchasing activity surged to its fastest pace since May 2023 and supplier delivery times shortened the most in seven months. On prices, input cost inflation eased to a 10-month low, while selling price inflation softened to a seven-month low, despite around 39% of firms raising charges. Finally, business confidence dipped slightly but remained optimistic, with firms planning new plant openings and increased exports.