The Stanbic Bank Kenya PMI edged lower to 50.6 in December 2024 from 50.9 in the previous month. Still, this marked the third consecutive month of growth, indicating sustained private sector expansion, primarily driven by increases in output, new orders, and employment. However, employment growth was marginal. Business output rose due to an increase in new order intakes. This was reflected in the improvement observed in customers' purchasing power, new bookings, and the success of advertising campaigns. On the price front, input costs surged at their quickest rate in eleven months, mainly due to stronger input demand, currency weakness, and heightened tax burdens. Sector data showed that agriculture and manufacturing firms experienced the strongest rates of both input and output price inflation. Finally, business sentiment remained subdued, with optimism for higher activity in the next 12 months dropping to its second-lowest level in the series' history.