新西兰股市周三早盘上涨70点,涨幅0.6%,至12255点,连续第五个交易日上涨,达到一周高点。医疗保健、能源矿产、非能源矿产和公用事业推动了反弹,这得益于惠灵顿在2024年第四季度摆脱衰退后的国内复苏迹象,以及较低的利率和行业增长。在标普全球评级预测新西兰和几个地区国家受美国关税的影响较小后,投资者情绪也有所改善。华尔街股市周二收高,美国总统特朗普在4月2日截止日期前表示可能豁免后,贸易担忧有所缓解。在澳大利亚,政府周二公布了2025年联邦预算,重点关注全球不确定性下的生活成本救济和经济韧性。一些跑赢大盘的股票包括Ryman Healthcare(2.8%)、Delegat Group有限公司(1.1%)、Freightways Group(0.9%)和Meridian Energy(0.8%)。
New Zealand shares rose 70 points or 0.6% to 12,255 in early trading on Wednesday, extending gains for the fifth straight session and reaching a one-week high. Healthcare, energy minerals, non-energy minerals, and utilities drove the rally, supported by signs of domestic recovery after Wellington emerged from a recession in Q4 2024, aided by lower interest rates and sectoral growth. Investor sentiment also improved after S&P Global Ratings projected that New Zealand, along with several regional nations, would be less affected by US tariffs. On Wall Street, stocks ended higher Tuesday, as trade concerns eased after US President Trump signaled potential exemptions ahead of the April 2 deadline. In Australia, the government unveiled the 2025 federal budget on Tuesday, focusing on cost-of-living relief and economic resilience amid global uncertainty. Some outperforming stocks included Ryman Healthcare (2.8%), Delegat Group Ltd. (1.1%), Freightways Group (0.9%), and Meridian Energy (0.8%).