周四,上证综指上涨0.1%,收于3370点以上,而深证成分股上涨0.35%,收于10680点,收复了最近几个交易日的部分跌幅。然而,在美国新关税出台之前,投资者情绪仍然谨慎。美国总统唐纳德·特朗普宣布对进口汽车征收25%的关税,该关税将于4月2日生效,同时对对对美国商品征税的国家征收互惠关税——他发誓要在整个第二任期内保持这些措施。在中国,今年前两个月工业利润下降了0.3%,突显出持续的通缩压力和与美国贸易紧张局势的升级。尽管如此,部分股票仍强劲上涨,包括浙江三花(+3.8%)、Seres Group(+2.8%),比亚迪公司(+1.8%)和招商银行(+1.8%.)以及秦川机械(+6.6%.)。
The Shanghai Composite rose 0.1% above 3,370, while the Shenzhen Component gained 0.35% to 10,680 on Thursday, recovering some losses from recent sessions. However, investor sentiment remained cautious ahead of new US tariffs. US President Donald Trump announced a 25% tariff on imported cars, set to take effect on April 2, along with reciprocal tariffs on countries imposing levies on US goods—measures he vowed to maintain throughout his second term. In China, industrial profits declined 0.3% in the first two months of the year, highlighting persistent deflationary pressures and escalating trade tensions with the US. Still, select stocks posted strong gains, including Zhejiang Sanhua (+3.8%), Seres Group (+2.8%), BYD Company (+1.8%), China Merchants Bank (+1.8%), and Qinchuan Machine (+6.6%).