美国 United States
美国总统特朗普将关税重点转向欧盟,誓言对欧盟葡萄酒征收高额进口费。美国总统唐纳德·特朗普(Donald Trump)计划将对加拿大的关税提高一倍,但以失败告终。加拿大准备通过大幅提高安大略省向美国出口的能源成本来反击,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普正在将关税重点转移到欧盟,但仍保持同样的策略。
US President Trump shifts tariff focus on EU, vows steep import fees on EU wine.After flubbing his planned doubling of tariffs on Canada, which saw Canada poised to lash back with stiff increases in the cost of energy exported from the province of Ontario to the US, US President Donald Trump is shifting his tariff focus to the European Union, but maintaining the same playbook.