上证综指下跌0.2%,跌至3370点以下,而深证成分股周四下跌0.8%,至10755点,这是连续第二个交易日下跌,因为投资者正在努力应对中国缺乏市场推动催化剂的问题。正如最近结束的两会年会所概述的那样,分析人士对中国实现经济目标的能力表示担忧。此外,在美国总统唐纳德·特朗普的钢铁和铝关税于周三生效后,不断升级的贸易紧张局势打压了市场情绪。与此同时,瑞银将中国科技行业的评级从有吸引力下调至中性,理由是今年迄今涨幅超过30%,且对未来增长前景感到担忧。跌幅最大的公司包括中兴通讯(-3.3%)、Talkweb Information(-3.4%)、浙江华铁(-2.7%)、广东澳飞(-5.8%)和Toibet Huayu(-4.4%)。
The Shanghai Composite slipped 0.2% to dip below 3,370, while the Shenzhen Component lost 0.8% to 10,755 on Thursday, marking a second consecutive session of declines as investors grappled with a lack of market-moving catalysts in China. Analysts have raised concerns about China’s ability to meet its economic targets, as outlined in the recently concluded Two Sessions annual meetings. Additionally, escalating trade tensions weighed on sentiment after US President Donald Trump’s steel and aluminum tariffs took effect on Wednesday. Meanwhile, UBS downgraded China’s technology sector from attractive to neutral, citing strong year-to-date gains of over 30% and concerns over future growth prospects. Among the biggest losers were ZTE Corp (-3.3%), Talkweb Information (-3.4%), Zhejiang Huatie (-2.7%), Guangdong Aofei (-5.8%), and Toibet Huayu (-4.4%).