周四早盘,新西兰元50指数下跌27点,跌幅0.2%,收于12307点,结束了连续五个交易日的上涨。这一下跌反映了华尔街周三的负面收盘,这是由于对全球贸易紧张局势对美国经济和通胀后果的重新担忧造成的。特朗普总统签署了一项25%的汽车进口关税,暗示下周将征收更广泛的关税,从而加剧了这场争端。在周五美国个人消费支出数据和下周最大贸易伙伴中国采购经理人指数数据公布之前,投资者保持谨慎。消费者、商业服务和医疗保健拖累该指数,交易员在新西兰股市创下11月以来最大单日涨幅后锁定利润。对RBNNZ今年可能在4月、5月和2025年晚些时候三次降息的乐观情绪限制了进一步的损失,通货膨胀得到了控制。主要跌幅包括Serko有限公司(-1.8%)、A2 Milk Co.(-1.5%)、Ebos Group(-1.3%)、新西兰餐厅品牌(-1.1%)和Colonial Motor Co.(-0.7%)。
The NZX 50 fell 27 points or 0.2% to 12,307 during Thursday morning trading, ending a five-session winning streak. This decline mirrored Wall Street's negative close on Wednesday, driven by renewed concerns about US economic and inflationary consequences of global trade tensions. President Trump intensified the dispute by signing a 25% tariff on auto imports, hinting at wider levies expected next week. Investors exercised caution ahead of the US PCE data Friday and PMI figures next week in top trading partner China. Consumer, commercial services, and healthcare weighed on the index as traders locked in profits after the largest one-day gains in New Zealand stocks since November. Capping further losses was optimism about three anticipated rate cuts by the RBNNZ this year, likely in April, May, and later 2025, with inflation under control. Key declines included Serko Ltd. (-1.8%), A2 Milk Co. (-1.5%), Ebos Group (-1.3%), Restaurant Brands NZ (-1.1%), and Colonial Motor Co. (-0.7%).