周四,富时MIB指数微涨0.1%,收于39099点,从早盘下跌中恢复过来,表现优于欧洲同行,因为工业和科技股的上涨抵消了汽车制造商的疲软。意大利电信领涨,飙升4.7%,紧随其后的是Nexi(+2.1%)、Invite(+1.9%)和普睿司曼(+1.5%)。豪华汽车制造商法拉利的表现也优于其所在行业,上涨1.8%。然而,在特朗普总统重申从4月2日起对所有进口汽车、轻型卡车和部分汽车零部件征收25%关税的计划后,市场情绪仍然谨慎,并警告称,如果欧盟和加拿大进行报复,将进一步提高关税。汽车制造商面临压力,Stellantis暴跌4.2%。金融类股也表现滞后,受到联合信贷银行(-0.9%)、Unipol Gruppo(-1.3%)和Bper Banca(-1.1%)下跌的拖累。
The FTSE MIB edged 0.1% higher to close at 39,099 on Thursday, recovering from early losses and outperforming its European peers as gains in industrials and tech stocks offset weakness among automakers. Telecom Italia led the advance, surging 4.7%, followed by Nexi (+2.1%), Invite (+1.9%), and Prysmian (+1.5%). Luxury automaker Ferrari also outperformed its sector, adding 1.8%. However, sentiment remained cautious after President Trump reiterated plans to impose a 25% tariff on all imported cars, light trucks, and select auto parts starting April 2, warning of further tariff hikes on the EU and Canada if they retaliate. Automakers came under pressure, with Stellantis slumping 4.2%. Financial stocks also lagged, weighed down by declines in UniCredit (-0.9%), Unipol Gruppo (-1.3%), and Bper Banca (-1.1%).