周二,BSE Sensex指数在经历了六天的反弹后,在震荡的交易中收于78017.2点,几乎没有变化,因为在贸易关税的不确定性持续存在的情况下,获利回吐占据了主导地位。美国总统唐纳德·特朗普表示将采取更灵活的关税政策,这增加了印度可能获得一些让步的希望,尽管分析人士敦促谨慎行事,并指出只有在4月2日之后才会明确。报道显示,作为与美国贸易协议第一阶段的一部分,印度愿意削减一半以上美国进口商品的关税,总额为230亿美元。与此同时,持续的外国资金流入有助于支撑市场情绪。在企业方面,银行和科技股是主要上涨股。相比之下,由于对食品配送行业竞争和消费者支出模式转变的担忧日益加剧,Zomato股价下跌近6%。IndusInd Bank因监管处罚下跌4.8%。
The BSE Sensex closed almost unchanged at 78,017.2 in choppy trading on Tuesday, following a six-day rally, as profit-taking took hold amid ongoing uncertainty over trade tariffs. US President Donald Trump signaled a more flexible approach to tariffs, raising hopes that India could receive some concessions, although analysts urged caution, noting that clarity would only come after April 2. Reports indicate that India is willing to cut tariffs on more than half of US imports, totaling $23 billion, as part of the first phase of a trade deal with the US. Meanwhile, continued foreign fund inflows helped support market sentiment. On the corporate front, banks and tech stocks were the main gainers. In contrast, Zomato fell nearly 6% amid growing concerns about competition in the food delivery sector and shifting consumer spending patterns. IndusInd Bank slipped 4.8% on regulatory penalties.