美国 United States
美国银行经济学家表示,4月2日的关税可能引发美元“抛售反弹”。美国银行表示,在更深层次的经济紧张局势瓦解美元之前,美元因即将公布的互惠关税而反弹可能是套现的最佳时机。在其最新的FX Viewpoint报告中,由Athanasios Vamvakidis领导的团队重申了美元在短期后的看跌前景,理由是美国和欧洲之间的政策路径存在分歧。
April 2 Tariffs Could Trigger A US Dollar 'Rally To Sell,' Bank Of America Economists Say.A U.S. dollar bounce in reaction to imminent reciprocal tariff announcements might be the perfect moment to cash out before deeper economic tensions unravel the greenback, according to Bank of America. In its latest FX Viewpoint report, the team led by Athanasios Vamvakidis reaffirmed a bearish outlook for the dollar beyond the near term, citing diverging policy paths between the U.S. and Europe.