受芯片和电池股反弹的推动,基准韩国综合股价指数周三上涨1.1%,收于2644点,创下一个多月来的最高水平。该指数还追踪了华尔街的隔夜涨幅,因为预计特朗普的互惠关税将低于预期。在韩国,3月份商业情绪五个月来首次反弹,但由于全球贸易的不确定性,前景仍然悲观。在指数权重股中,芯片巨头三星电子和SK海力士均上涨近3%。在电池行业,LG Energy Solution在20亿美元的债券发行后飙升7.3%,为2023年11月以来的最大单日涨幅,因为LG集团重申电池是其核心业务,而三星SDI和LG化学分别上涨3.2%和4.8%。汽车制造商也出现了其他显著涨幅,现代汽车(0.9%)和姊妹公司起亚(0.6%)在该汽车集团公布了一项新的美国投资计划以帮助避免关税后继续上涨。
The benchmark KOSPI rose 1.1% to close at 2,644 points on Wednesday, hitting its highest level in over a month, driven by a rally in chip and battery stocks. The index also tracked Wall Street’s overnight gains amid expectations of softer-than-expected reciprocal tariffs from Trump. In South Korea, business sentiment rebounded for the first time in five months in March, but the outlook remained pessimistic due to global trade uncertainties. Among index heavyweights, chip giants Samsung Electronics and SK Hynix both climbed almost 3%. In the battery sector, LG Energy Solution surged 7.3%, its biggest daily gain since November 2023, following a $2 billion bond sale, as LG Group reaffirmed batteries as its core business, while Samsung SDI and LG Chem jumped 3.2% and 4.8%, respectively. Other notable gains were seen from automakers, with Hyundai Motor (0.9%) and sister company Kia Corp (0.6%) extending gains after the auto group unveiled a new US investment plan to help avoid tariffs.