周一,富时MIB指数下跌0.2%,收于38973点,扭转了早盘涨幅,因为投资者评估了欧洲经济数据,并等待美国总统唐纳德·特朗普将于4月2日生效的互惠关税的进一步明确。尽管有报道称,这些措施的范围可能比最初威胁的范围要窄,但人们对潜在的贸易中断仍持担忧态度。在欧洲,PMI数据呈现出喜忧参半的信号,欧元区制造业产出两年来首次扩张,而服务业增长放缓,增加了该地区经济前景的不确定性。在意大利,金融股表现喜忧参半,Enel、Eni和Leonardo领跌,下跌1.3%至2.4%,而Banca Mediolanum、Telecom Italia和Stellantis上涨,上涨2%至2.1%。
The FTSE MIB fell 0.2% to close at 38,973 on Monday, reversing early gains as investors assessed European economic data and awaited further clarity on U.S. President Donald Trump’s reciprocal tariffs, set to take effect on April 2nd. While reports suggested the measures could be narrower in scope than initially threatened, concerns persisted over potential trade disruptions. In Europe, PMI data presented mixed signals, with Eurozone manufacturing output expanding for the first time in two years, while services sector growth slowed, adding to uncertainty over the region’s economic outlook. In Italy, financial stocks saw mixed performances, with Enel, Eni, and Leonardo leading losses, down between 1.3% and 2.4%, while Banca Mediolanum, Telecom Italia, and Stellantis advanced, rising between 2% and 2.1%.