印度股市在本月最后一个交易日的早盘交易中下跌85点,跌幅0.1%,至77521点,收窄了前一交易日的涨幅,受到科技、制药和汽车行业的拖累。BSE Sensex指数隔夜下跌,因特朗普总统宣布对外国制造的汽车征收新关税后,人们担心可能会发生贸易战。交易员继续关注美印贸易谈判,在周一开斋节假期之前,重点关注制药和汽车等关键行业。路透社的一项民意调查显示,由于通货膨胀的缓解,印度储备银行预计将连续第二次降息,从而为秋季画上句号。早期的输家包括马恒达(-3.3%)、印孚瑟斯(-1.7%)和太阳制药(-1.2%)。本月,该指数将飙升约5.9%,从上个月的下跌中恢复过来,这得益于对国内经济数据的乐观情绪,外国资金再次流入。
India's equities slipped 85 points, or 0.1%, to 77,521 in morning deals on the final trading session of the month, snapping gains from the prior session, weighed down by the tech, pharmaceuticals, and auto sectors. The BSE Sensex tracked a fall on Wall Street overnight amid concerns over a potential trade war following President Trump's announcement of new tariffs on foreign-made autos. Traders continued to monitor the US-India trade talks, focusing on key sectors, including pharmaceuticals and autos, ahead of the Eid al-Fitr holidays on Monday. Capping the fall was a Reuters poll showing that the RBI is expected to cut interest rates for the second consecutive meeting due to easing inflation. Among the early losers were Mahindra & Mahindra (-3.3%), Infosys (-1.7%), and Sun Pharmaceuticals (-1.2%). For the month, the index is set to surge around 5.9%, recovering from a fall in the previous month, buoyed by renewed foreign inflows amid optimism about domestic economic data.