The Hang Seng increased 61 points or 0.3% to end at 19,584 on Friday, marking its fourth session of gains amid upbeat economic data from China. The country's GDP grew by 5.4% yoy in Q4, the fastest pace since Q2 2023, meeting the official target of around 5% thanks to various stimulus measures in recent months. Meanwhile, industrial output rose 6.2% yoy in December, the most in 8 months, and retail sales recovered from November's 3-month low. Locally, figures from the Hong Kong Tourism Board showed tourist arrivals in the city surged 31% to near 45 million in 2024, with the mainland contributing the most with 34 million tourists. Gains were capped by caution ahead of next week's monthly fixing for key lending rates in China. Property and tech logged strong rises, while consumers rose modestly. Several top movers included China Hongqiao Group (4.6%), Tingyi (Cayman Islands) Hlds. (3.7%), and Henderson Land Dev. (3.0%). Weekly, the index jumped 2.7% after falls in the prior two periods.