The DAX rose about 1.2% to close at 20,897.5 on Friday, marking its fourth consecutive day of advances and reaching new record highs. Market sentiment was bolstered by strong corporate earnings and signs of cooling inflation across both sides of the Atlantic, while stronger-than-expected growth data from China further fueled optimism. Meanwhile, traders eagerly awaited President-elect Donald Trump's inaugural speech on Monday, as the incoming administration pledged to implement a wave of policy changes. Among single stocks, top gainers included Siemens Energy, Heidelberg Materials and Beiersdorf, adding between 2.8% and 3.1%, while Sartorius (-1.6%), Merck (-1.6%) and Brenntag (-1.2%) posted the biggest losses. For the week, the DAX rose about 3.4%, its strongest weekly performance since early December 2024.