周二下午,CAC 40指数扭转了其早期势头,下跌1%,至7980点以下,将之前的跌幅扩大到一个月低点,因为美国经济放缓和持续的贸易不确定性的影响超过了欧元区政府增加公共支出的提振。金融和奢侈品行业首当其冲,安盛、法国巴黎银行、法国农业信贷银行和法国兴业银行下跌0.6%至1.8%,而奢侈品巨头路威酩轩、爱马仕、欧莱雅、依视路和开云集团下跌0.5%至1.5%。相比之下,得益于政府加强基础设施和军事投资的承诺,工业部门表现优异,施耐德电气飙升超过2%,雷诺和Unibail-Rodamco均上涨超过1%。
The CAC 40 reversed its early momentum to drop 1% to below the 7,980 level on Tuesday afternoon, extending previous losses to a one-month low as the effects of a slowing U.S. economy and persistent trade uncertainty outweighed the boost from increased public spending by Eurozone governments. Financial and luxury sectors bore the brunt, with AXA, BNP Paribas, Crédit Agricole, and Société Générale falling between 0.6% and 1.8%, while luxury giants LVMH, Hermès, L'Oréal, Essilor, and Kering declined by 0.5% to 1.5%. In contrast, the industrial sector outperformed, benefiting from government commitments to enhance infrastructure and military investments, as Schneider Electric surged over 2% and both Renault and Unibail-Rodamco advanced by more than 1%.