CAC 40指数周一下跌0.3%,收于8022点,这是连续第三个交易日下跌,因为投资者等待美国总统唐纳德·特朗普互惠关税的明确消息,并评估了欧洲各地的初步采购经理人指数数据。报道显示,特朗普可能会对定于4月2日生效的关税采取不那么激进的立场,从最初威胁的全面措施中缩减。在国内,法国私营部门在2025年3月仍处于收缩状态,尽管制造业和服务业显示出改善的迹象。在个股中,赛诺菲、达能和开云集团的跌幅最大,在1.6%至2.1%之间。相比之下,雷诺以4.4%的涨幅领涨,其次是泰雷兹和保乐力加,分别上涨2%和1.6%。值得注意的是,开云集团继续下跌,下跌2.3%,至2016年12月以来的最低水平。
The CAC 40 declined 0.3% to close at 8,022 on Monday, marking its third consecutive session of losses as investors awaited clarity on U.S. President Donald Trump’s reciprocal tariffs and assessed preliminary PMI data from across Europe. Reports indicated that Trump might adopt a less aggressive stance on the tariffs set to take effect on April 2nd, scaling back from the sweeping measures initially threatened. Domestically, the French private sector remained in contraction in March 2025, though manufacturing and services showed signs of improvement. Among individual stocks, Sanofi, Danone, and Kering were the biggest laggards, shedding between 1.6% and 2.1%. In contrast, Renault led gains with a 4.4% jump, followed by Thales and Pernod Ricard, which rose 2% and 1.6%, respectively. Notably, Kering extended its decline, falling 2.3% to its lowest level since December 2016.