CAC 40指数周五上涨0.8%,至7998点,在奢侈品板块强劲上涨的推动下,较前一交易日反弹。欧莱雅领涨该指数,飙升4.1%,LVMH上涨2.1%,爱马仕上涨2%,这得益于Brunello Cucinelli 2024年第四季度令人印象深刻的业绩。此外,国防股泰雷兹支撑指数上涨,股价上涨3.2%。然而,在Demna被任命为Gucci的新艺术总监后,奢侈品领域的另一家关键企业开云集团股价下跌13.5%,至三个多月来的最低点。与此同时,投资者正密切关注日益加剧的全球贸易紧张局势,美国总统唐纳德·特朗普威胁对从欧盟进口的葡萄酒和其他酒精饮料征收200%的关税,以报复欧盟新采取的反制措施。在地缘政治方面,俄罗斯总统弗拉基米尔·普京对美国斡旋的乌克兰冲突停火的前景表示怀疑。本周,该指数有望大幅下跌。
The CAC 40 rose 0.8% to 7,998 on Friday, rebounding from the previous session, buoyed by strong gains in the luxury sector. L’Oréal led the index, surging 4.1%, while LVMH gained 2.1% and Hermes advanced 2%, boosted by Brunello Cucinelli’s impressive Q4 2024 results. Additionally, defense stock Thales supported the index’s lift, with shares climbing 3.2%. However, Kering, another key player in the luxury space, dropped 13.5% to over three-month low following the appointment of Demna as Gucci’s new artistic director. Meanwhile, investors were closely monitoring growing global trade tensions, with U.S. President Donald Trump threatening a 200% tariff on wine and other alcoholic beverages imported from the EU in retaliation for the bloc’s newly imposed countermeasures. On the geopolitical front, Russian President Vladimir Putin cast doubt on the prospects of a U.S.-brokered ceasefire in the ongoing Ukraine conflict. Over the week, the index is on track for a sharp weekly decline.