周五,STOXX 50指数下跌0.5%,STOXX 600指数下跌0.4%,连续第三个交易日下跌至近两周未见的水平。投资者情绪仍然低迷,受到特朗普政府征收的关税的拖累,这继续引发了人们对经济前景的担忧。对美国进口商品征收新的互惠关税,包括对汽车征收25%的税,将于4月2日生效。在数据方面,法国和西班牙3月份的通胀低于预期,而德国的消费者信心没有像预期的那样改善。SAP、ASML控股和西门子的股价均下跌超过1%。本周,斯托克50指数下跌0.9%,斯托克600指数下跌0.6%。
The STOXX 50 fell 0.5% and the STOXX 600 dropped 0.4% on Friday, extending losses for a third consecutive session to levels not seen in nearly two weeks. Investor sentiment remains subdued, weighed down by tariffs imposed by the Trump administration, which continue to raise concerns about the economic outlook. New reciprocal tariffs on US imports, including a 25% levy on autos, are set to take effect on April 2nd. On the data front, inflation in France and Spain came in below expectations for March, while consumer sentiment in Germany failed to improve as much as anticipated. Shares of SAP, ASML Holding, and Siemens all declined by more than 1%. For the week, the STOXX 50 has lost 0.9%, and the STOXX 600 is down 0.6%.