周二,上证综指下跌0.1%,至3367点,而深证成指下跌0.6%,至10635点,扭转了前一交易日的涨势,因为人们越来越担心中国刺激措施在抵消美国关税方面的有效性。中国最近设定了5%的GDP增长目标,并将赤字提高到30年来的最高水平,同时宣布了促进消费和内需的计划。然而,经济仍在与缓慢的增长作斗争,预计美国新的关税将对工业、电力、运输、房地产和消费品等关键行业造成压力。权重股大幅下跌,包括卧龙电气(-0.9%)、胜利巨人(-2.4%)、寒武纪科技(-5.5%)、Capitalonline Data(-13.2%)和网新科技(-9.4%)。
The Shanghai Composite slipped 0.1% to 3,367, while the Shenzhen Component fell 0.6% to 10,635 on Tuesday, reversing gains from the previous session as concerns mounted over the effectiveness of China’s stimulus measures in offsetting US tariffs. China recently set a 5% GDP growth target and raised its deficit to a three-decade high while announcing plans to boost consumption and domestic demand. However, the economy continues to struggle with sluggish growth, and new US tariffs are expected to weigh on key sectors, including industrials, power, transport, property, and consumer goods. Heavyweight stocks posted sharp losses, including Wolong Electric (-0.9%), Victory Giant (-2.4%), Cambricon Technologies (-5.5%), Capitalonline Data (-13.2%), and Insigma Technology (-9.4%).