上证综指下跌0.3%,至3370点以下,而深证成分股周五下跌0.2%,至10645点,扭转了前一交易日的涨幅,因为投资者正在为下周生效的美国新关税做准备。唐纳德·特朗普总统的汽车和互惠关税将增加已经对中国商品征收的20%的关税,加剧贸易紧张局势。持续的经济不确定性和中国缺乏积极的政策支持也打压了市场情绪。尽管中国最近设定了2025年5%的GDP增长目标,但疲软的国内需求和不断上升的全球风险使市场对实现这一目标持怀疑态度。最大的输家包括DH Heavy(-7.9%)、宁夏宝峰能源(-6.5%)、诺拉科技(-3.6%)、邮政储蓄银行(-2.6%)和湖北益华(-5.4%)。
The Shanghai Composite fell 0.3% to below 3,370, while the Shenzhen Component lost 0.2% to 10,645 on Friday, reversing gains from the previous session as investors braced for new US tariffs set to take effect next week. President Donald Trump’s auto and reciprocal tariffs will add to the 20% levies already imposed on Chinese goods, heightening trade tensions. Lingering economic uncertainties and the lack of aggressive policy support in China also weighed on sentiment. While China recently set a 5% GDP growth target for 2025, weak domestic demand and rising global risks have left markets skeptical about achieving it. Among the biggest losers were DH Heavy (-7.9%), Ningxia Baofeng Energy (-6.5%), Naura Technology (-3.6%), Postal Savings Bank (-2.6%), and Hubei Yihua (-5.4%).