标准普尔/多伦多证交所综合指数周二上涨0.4%,突破25400点大关,连续第二个交易日保持强劲势头,受到大宗商品生产商的支撑,地缘政治紧张局势和关税不确定性推高了石油和黄金价格。加拿大天然气公司、森科尔公司、帝国石油公司和Cenovus等主要石油相关公司股价上涨0.5%至1.3%,原因是唐纳德·特朗普总统宣布对从委内瑞拉购买石油的国家进口的美国产品征收25%的关税后,全球供应紧张。同样,包括Agnico Eagle、Wheaton Precious、Barrick Gold和Franco Nevada在内的重量级矿商也录得0.5%至1.3%的涨幅,因为关税的不确定性引发了避险,从而提振了金价。与此同时,在有迹象表明美国可能会对即将到来的关税采取更温和、更有针对性的做法后,乐观情绪依然存在。
The S&P/TSX Composite Index climbed 0.4% to surpass the 25,400 mark on Tuesday, extending strong momentum for the second consecutive session, supported by commodity producers, as geopolitical tensions and tariff uncertainties pushed up the prices of oil and gold. Major oil-linked companies—such as Canadian Natural, Suncor, Imperial Oil, and Cenovus—gained between 0.5% and 1.3% amid concerns over tighter global supply following President Donald Trump’s announcement of a 25% tariff on U.S. imports from countries buying oil from Venezuela. Likewise, heavyweight miners including Agnico Eagle, Wheaton Precious, Barrick Gold, and Franco-Nevada recorded gains of 0.5% to 1.3% as tariff uncertainty triggered a flight to safety, thereby bolstering gold prices. Meanwhile, optimism persisted after indications that the U.S. is likely to adopt a more moderate, targeted approach to the upcoming tariffs.