标准普尔/澳交所200指数周三上涨0.71%,收于7999点,连续第五个交易日上涨,矿业和银行股领涨。投资者评估了新的经济数据,显示澳大利亚2月份的月度CPI指标降至2.4%的三个月低点,与1月份2.5%的读数没有变化的预测相悖。与此同时,澳大利亚政府周二宣布了2026年和2027年的两项额外个人所得税减免,总额比预期高出171亿澳元。矿业和银行业表现最好的包括必和必拓集团(+1.2%)、Fortescue(+0.8%)、澳新银行集团(+3%)和联邦银行(+1.1%)。在企业新闻中,由于纳米比亚铀矿的运营中断,Paladin Energy撤回了2025年的产量预测,随后暴跌11.6%。相比之下,Vulcan Energy飙升12.8%,尽管报告称2024年的亏损比上一年更大。
The S&P/ASX 200 Index climbed 0.71% to close at 7,999 on Wednesday, marking its fifth consecutive session of gains, fueled by mining and banking stocks. Investors assessed fresh economic data showing Australia’s monthly CPI indicator eased to a three-month low of 2.4% in February, defying forecasts for no change from January’s 2.5% reading. Meanwhile, the Australian government announced on Tuesday two additional personal income tax cuts for 2026 and 2027, totaling A$17.1 billion over the forward estimates. Top performers in the mining and banking sectors included BHP Group (+1.2%), Fortescue (+0.8%), ANZ Group (+3%), and Commonwealth Bank (+1.1%). In corporate news, Paladin Energy tumbled 11.6% after retracting its 2025 production forecasts due to operational disruptions at its Namibia uranium mine. In contrast, Vulcan Energy surged 12.8% despite reporting a wider loss in 2024 compared to the previous year.