[音乐]英伦电子民谣天后---Dido《Thank you》
Dido从小就是个音乐神童。五岁那年,为了音乐,她偷了生平第一台录音机,此举动的后果是:一年后父母将她送进了伦敦盖德霍尔音乐学校(Grildhall School of Music)就读。
十岁时,Dido就已精通钢琴、小提琴的演奏,并能娴熟地运用先前提到的录音机来辅助创作。此外,她还经常偷听哥哥的唱片收藏,在学校时,她是在和学校的古典乐团一起巡回全英演出中度过的。十六岁时,Dido深深爱上了艾拉费兹杰罗(Ella Fitzgerald)的音乐,就在这个时期,对音乐深深的迷恋终于令Dido从一个单纯的爱乐者转变成为一个参与者。
最初Dido是在哥哥Rollo(洛罗)的电子乐队Faithless(无信念)中客串女主唱,后被为Faithless制作唱片的前Aristat唱片公司老板Clive Davis(克利夫戴维斯)发现,几经接触之后,立即将她签为旗下歌手,并在1999年为她发行了首张个人专辑《No Angel(无天使)》,让Dido终于有机会施展她的才能。
《No Angel》是一张结合流行/爵士/民谣/电子的精彩作品,DIDO展现出个人独有的声音魅力,有人形容她的声音与 SINEAD O'CONNOR 颇为类似,在SINEAD开始在新作品中加入电子元素显得有点格格不入时;DIDO却在音乐的型态表现中更令人激赏,她时而饱满细致时而如空气般飘逸的嗓音是无人能比的。
蒂朵写下灿烂的销售数字及辉煌的得奖记录,并入围2001年全英音乐奖最佳英国女歌手,来自各大媒体的赞誉则最足以证明蒂朵的音乐魅力。时代(Time)杂志赞扬《No Angel》专辑是“卓越、天籁般的音乐。一张才气焕发的处女作。”滚石(Rolling Stone)杂志称赞Dido为“年度风云人物之一”,而华盛顿邮报更形容应史汀(Sting)之邀担任暖场佳宾的她“嗓音高昂有如女神。这儿有个大胆的预测:Dido正迈向高峰。”
Thank you By Dido my tea's gone cold i'm wondering why i got out of bed at all the morning rain clouds up my window and i can't see at all and even if i could it'd all be grey but your picture on my wall it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad i drank too much last night got bills to pay my head just feels in pain i missed the bus and there'll be hell today i'm late for work again and even if i'm there they'll all imply that i might not last the day and then you call me and it's not so bad it's not so bad and i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life push the door i'm home at last and i'm soaking through and through then you handed me a towel and all i see is you and even if my house falls down now i wouldn't have a clue because you're near me and i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life 〈〈 谢谢你〉〉 茶已变凉 我在想我为什么辗转反侧难以入睡 清晨的冷雨敲打着窗户 我什么也看不见 即使看的见,一切也都是灰色的 但是看到墙上你的照片 它提醒我还不是那么遭 一切还好 昨夜喝得太多 欠了太多的酒钱 头很痛 误了车,今天可真恐怖 上班又迟到了 即使我赶到了,他们也会冷语嘲讽 这一天真难过 但是,你给我来电话了 一切还不是那么遭 推开门 终于到家了,全身都湿透了 你递给我一条毛巾 我眼里只有你 即使整个世界此时崩塌 我也不会在意 因为有你在身边 而且 我要谢谢你 因为你给了我 生命中最美好的一天
Thank you By Dido my tea's gone cold i'm wondering why i got out of bed at all the morning rain clouds up my window and i can't see at all and even if i could it'd all be grey but your picture on my wall it reminds me that it's not so bad it's not so bad i drank too much last night got bills to pay my head just feels in pain i missed the bus and there'll be hell today i'm late for work again and even if i'm there they'll all imply that i might not last the day and then you call me and it's not so bad it's not so bad and i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life push the door i'm home at last and i'm soaking through and through then you handed me a towel and all i see is you and even if my house falls down now i wouldn't have a clue because you're near me and i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life i want to thank you for giving me the best day of my life oh just to be with you is having the best day of my life 〈〈 谢谢你〉〉 茶已变凉 我在想我为什么辗转反侧难以入睡 清晨的冷雨敲打着窗户 我什么也看不见 即使看的见,一切也都是灰色的 但是看到墙上你的照片 它提醒我还不是那么遭 一切还好 昨夜喝得太多 欠了太多的酒钱 头很痛 误了车,今天可真恐怖 上班又迟到了 即使我赶到了,他们也会冷语嘲讽 这一天真难过 但是,你给我来电话了 一切还不是那么遭 推开门 终于到家了,全身都湿透了 你递给我一条毛巾 我眼里只有你 即使整个世界此时崩塌 我也不会在意 因为有你在身边 而且 我要谢谢你 因为你给了我 生命中最美好的一天
老歌也稀饭 :hua:
[ 本帖最后由 千里走单骑 于 2006-10-26 11:50 编辑 ]
心無罣礙 無罣礙故 無有恐怖