《OLD FOLKS AT HOME(SWANEE RIVER)-故乡亲人》(1892-1937) 这是1935年被确认的一支佛罗里达州歌。词曲作者是史蒂芬·柯林斯·福斯特(Stephen Collins Foster)。此曲可以说是全球五大洲中流行最广的一支美国民歌。
虽然本曲也被称作《SWANEE RIVER》,可福斯特从没见过这条河,也没去过佛罗里达。它只是在地图上被选中,加上歌词的音韵。捷克古典作曲家德沃夏克(Dvorak)曾赞此曲为‘美国人民心灵的歌曲,充满了对黑奴的同情'.
Stephen Collins Foster - Old Folks At Home
Way down upon the Swanee River, Far, far away.
That's where my heart is turning ever
That's where the old folks stay
All up and down the whole creation, Sadly I roam
Still longing for the old plantation And for the old folks at home
All the world is sad and dreary everywhere I roam
Oh darkies, how my heart grows weary
Far from the old folks at home
All 'round the little farm I wandered,
When I was young
Then many happy days I squandered, Many the songs I sung
When I was playing with my brother, Happy was I
Oh, take me to my kind old mother,
There let me live and die
One little hut among the bushes,
One that I love Still sadly to my mem'ry rushes,
No matter where I rove
When shall I see the bees a humming,
All 'round the comb
When shall I hear the banjo strumming,
Down by my good old home
发表于:2005-01-23 13:18只看该作者
发表于:2005-01-23 13:26只看该作者

Originally posted by 小鸽子 at 2005-1-23 21:18 谢谢姐姐!!!我第一次听,好听!!!另:<三套车>我听不到~~~~:Q:')
Originally posted by xinlan33 at 2005-1-23 21:26 偶先顶了再听!
Originally posted by 小鸽子 at 2005-1-23 21:18 谢谢姐姐!!!我第一次听,好听!!!另:<三套车>我听不到~~~~:Q:')