“The Triple Screen Approach”
“The Triple Screen Approach” 是一种交易策略, 他的作者是Alexander
Elder, 是一个职业交易员和持照心理学家, 曾经担任过金融交易论坛公司的主管。 它的核心是将在不同时间或时期内,市场上存在的三种势, 大势, 中势, 和小势区别对待,以赢取可能的最大的利润。
它不同于很多其他交易技术和策略的风格,明确地提出在交易时断以当时的主导势为侧重,对我们加深对主次矛盾的区分,大小势的对待,合理的安排和制定交易策略, 有着很好的启示。
文章是英文,全文以原文给出, 为了避免任意加上推荐者本人的观点而使原作者的作品走样。l38论坛的北方一狼协助给出了翻译,在此一并致谢。
Those positive features in many trading techniques can also lead to dangerous losses when market conditions change.
Even the most widely accepted techniques ------ "The trend is your friend," "Buy (or sell) breakouts" and "Buy lows, sell high" ----- can be costly. It's like running an obstacle course, where being 6 feet tall may be an advantage in running on a straightaway but won't help when you have to crawl through a 10-inch tube.
So how can you resolve the contradinctory advice provided by normally sound trading techniques? In discussing trading approaches, you first need to be clear which trends and breakouts you are trying to catch. Trading weekly, daily or hourly trends calls for different techniques.
To be successful, you have to combine several trading techniques, selected so their negative features can cancel out each other while their positive features stay undisturbed. The secret is to apply each technique to a different time frame of market events.
Robert Rhea, the great market technician of the 1930s, compared the three market trends -- major, intermediate and minor --- to a tide, a wave, and a ripple. Most traders, especially those who cannot follow intraday moves, can benefit from intermediate trends, which last from two weeks to two months. You want to ride the wave (intermediate move) while taking advantage of the tide and letting even the ripple run in your favor.
That is the goal of the triple screen system, which uses three consecutive screens, or tests, before entering any trade. Each test uses a different trading approach. Many trades that seem attractive at first are rejected by one or another screen. Those potential trades that pass the triple screen tests have a high degree of profitability.
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You first goal is to identify the major trend, the market's tide. Start by examining weekly charts. The longer-term perspective puts you a jump ahead of those who watch only dily charts --- with everybody looking at the same few months of data.
You can use several techniques to find the weekly trend. Trendlines and channels are useful. so are moving averages, whixh smooth week-to-week fluctuations.
Many favorite indicator of the major trend on weekly charts is moving average convergence divergence (MACD), originally developed by Gerald Appel. It is sophisticated system of three exponential moving averages on closing prices.
The weekly chart of Treasury bond futures has MACD plotted underneath the prices, both as exponential moving average lines and as a histogram(Fig. 11.1, --- will give at a seperated post). The lines show crossovers between faster and slower exponential moving averages while the histogram tracks the difference between the two lines.
The histogram that keeps growing in either a positive or negative direction indicates growing bullish or bearish sentiment and forecasts a turn in market direction, frequently in advance of the price reversal. MACD line crossovers come later and issue decisive buy and sell signals.
The first "screen" (market test) before entering a trade involves finding the direction of the weekly MACD histogram. If it is rising (bullish), take only long positions. If it is falling (bearish), only trade short. Always trade in the direction of the market tide.
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在周线图的下方,MACD图与之同步并行,并与移动平均线和柱状图交相辉映。 这些线显示了快、慢速平均移动指数的交叉位置,而柱状图却记录了这两条线的不同之处。
[此帖子已被 白羽 在 2004-9-16 15:41:57 编辑过]
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After finding the weekly trend, switch to daily charts and indicators for the second screen to identify the intermidiate trend. Look for daily moves against the weekly trend.
For this screen, use oscillators with dailycharts instead of trend indicators. Their rapid fluctuations between positive and negative extremes help you locate temporarily overbought or oversold ocnditions (that means the market has moved too far up or too far down and is likely to snap back).
While the first screen put you in a trend-following mode, you now want to go countertrend ---- "buy low, sell high." That can be dangerous, but now youcan use it with confidence because buy and sell signals from daily oscillators make logical sense. When the market tide is coming in (weekly MACD rises), every pause and wave that goes against the tide ---- shorter countertrend moves ----offers an opportunity to get aboard the trend. It is probable that the weekly trend will reassert itself, leading to profits.
It would be dangerous to rely on oscillators alone. In major downtrends, they can go into an oversold mode and stay there for weeks at a time, hurting a premature buyer. But, when the weekly trend is upward, you can use negative readings of a daily oscillator to get ready to buy. When the weekly trend is down, use positive readings of a daily oscillator to get ready to sell short.
One daily indicator that does a good job of identifying intermediate daily reactions against weekly trends is the Stochastic indicator, developed by George Lane. Stochastics track the positioning of daily closing prices within the daily range.
Closing prices tend to accumulate toward the tops of the ranges in advance of upside reversals of downtrends and toward the bottoms in advance of downside reversals of uptrends. The raw data is smoothed and represented by two lines, one faster, the other slower. You derive buy-sell signals when the faster line acrosses above or below the slower line.
There are other methods fo rinterpreting Stochastics, but this one serves our purpose. The chart shows how crossovers by the faster line of the five-day Stochastic above the slower line have given good buy signals while the weekly MACD was in an uptrend.
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Screen 3 Reading the Ripple
The thisd screen uses intraday trends to help you enter positions. When the weekly trend is up, you want to buy each time the daily countertrend pushes price down. But you also want to protect yourself from the danger that the countertrends may continue even lower.
The third screen helps you benenfit from the buying opportunities while protecting you from the risk that the brief downtrend may turn into a major one. In major downtrends,it helps you benefit from shorting into the countertrend rallies while protecting you from the risk that those rallies will become bullish reversals.
This screen consists of using trailing stop techniques (not to be confused with stop-loss orders). A trailing buy-stop order trails above the previous day's range on the way down,angling for the upside reversal. A trailing sell-stop order trails below the previous day's range on the way up to catch a renewed downturn.
If the daily oscillator goes negative on Tuesday while the weekly trend is up, then place a buy order, good for Wednesday only, above Tuesday's high. If the weekly trend pushes back up, as you expect, you will be "stopped in," automatically buying a short-term breakout from the intermediate downtrend.
If prices continue lower on Wednesday, you remain out of the market. You lose nothing, but the buy signal remains ineffect as long as the oscillator remains in negative territory. Then,. on Thursday you place a buy order, good for one day only, above the Wednesday high. you continue this procedure until you are either "stopped in " on an upside reversal or a bearish trend is signaled by the weekly MACD, canceling the buy signal.
This buy-stop technique is reversed to a sell-stop technique for shorting when the weekly trend is down but th edaily oscillators rally into positive territory.
to be continued
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Thus, the triple screen system consists of three consecutive screens or tests, each applied before entering any market position:
1. Identify the major trend, using a MACD histogram on weekly charts.
2, Identify the intermediate daily trend running counter to the major trend. Use short-term oscillators, such as force index, Stochastic or Williams'%R. When the weekly MACD is bullish, watch for daily oscillotor declines. When the weekly MACD is bearish, watch for daily oscillotor rallies.
3, When the weekly trend is up and the daily oscillator is negative, use a trailing buy-stop technique to enter or add long positions. When the weekly trend is down and the daily osicllator is positive, use a trailing sell-stop tehcnique to enter or add short positions.
Using stop-loss and protect-profit orders is essential in trading futures. After the triple screen system gives you a buy signal and you go long using the trailing buy-stop technique, your new stop-loss level becomes the low of the day you went long or the low of the previous day, whichever is lower. That low will rarely be violated because you are trading in the direction of the market tide. Reverse the procedure in downtrends. This gives you tight protection with relatively low dollar risk.
Conservative traders should buy or sell on the first signal from the triple screen system and stay with those positions until the weekly rend reverses or until stopped out. Aggressive traders can use renewed buy or sell signals from the triple screen system for pyramiding or adding to the original positions.
The End
1. 利用周图中MACD柱状图判明大趋势。
2. 参照主趋势,找出与之相逆的日趋势,再利用测定短期振荡幅度的指标,如:力度指数、随机指数或威廉指标等。当周图向多时,要对日图振荡下行行情充分注意;而当周图转空时,则应对日图盘价的震荡上扬,予以充分关注。
3. 当周趋势向上而日震荡相反时,应用“跌停作多”原则择机入仓;而当周趋势向下,日震荡偏上时,则宜考虑按“涨停作空”原则逢高作空。
对交易而方,设 “止损”或“止蠃”位实为立仓之本。按“三段论”所示的入仓信号,并以“盘停下单”原则择机下单后,止损价应定为当日与前日盘价中之最低位。该低点被突破的可能性甚小----大浪之势使然。从而以较低的成本风险保住了既得利益。
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[此帖子已被 sharkeater 在 2004-9-17 11:45:01 编辑过]

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