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楼主发表于:2006-03-19 11:11只看该作者倒序浏览
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老外问起我还什么都不知到。 French police subdue riots over jobs law By ANGELA CHARLTON Associated Press Writer AP Photo/FRANCOIS MORI PARIS (AP) -- Police loosed water cannons and tear gas on rioting students and activists rampaged through a McDonald's and attacked store fronts in the capital Saturday as demonstrations against a plan to relax job protections spread in a widening arc across France. The protests, which drew 500,000 people in some 160 cities across the country, were the biggest show yet of escalating anger that is testing the strength of the conservative government before elections next year. At the close of a march in Paris that drew a crowd of tens of thousands, seven officers and 17 protesters were injured during two melees, at the Place de la Nation in eastern Paris and the Sorbonne University. Police said they arrested 156 people in the French capital. Four cars were set afire, police said, and a McDonald's restaurant was attacked along with store fronts at the close of the march. Advertisement ZIP code where you park at night: Do you currently have auto insurance? Yes No Have you had a U.S. driver's license for more than 3 years? Yes No Has any driver in your household had 2 or more accidents or moving violations in the last 3 years? Yes No Tensions escalated later Saturday as about 500 youths moved on to the Sorbonne, trying to break through tall metal blockades erected after police stormed the Paris landmark a week ago to dislodge occupying students. The university has become a symbol of the protest. Police turned water cannons on the protesters at the Sorbonne and were seen throwing youths to the ground, hitting them and dragging them into vans. "Liberate the Sorbonne!" some protesters shouted. "Police everywhere, justice nowhere." In an apparent effort to set fire to a police van serving as a blockade, protesters instead torched the entrance of a nearby Gap store, apparently by accident, engulfing the small porch in flames. This student says its time foe the government to pay attention to the needs of the people. AP VIDEO French Students Clash With Police Interactive Rioting Sweeps Across France Latest News French police subdue riots over jobs law French protests nothing like those of '68 Poor French suburb goes on as normal Some in France see Moussaoui as scapegoat Man killed in car explosion in France Buy AP Photo Reprints With commerce snarled in some cities, people asked whether Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin would stand firm on implementing the change that he says is needed to encourage hiring. The usually outspoken leader was silent Saturday. Protest organizers urged President Jacques Chirac on Saturday to prevent the law from taking effect as expected in April. The group issued an ultimatum, saying it expects an answer by Monday, when leaders will decide whether to continue protests that have paralyzed at least 16 universities and dominated political discourse for weeks. "We give them two days to see if they understand the message we've sent," said Rene Jouan of CFDT, France's largest union. The law would allow businesses to fire young workers in the first two years on a job without giving a reason, removing them from protections that restrict layoffs of regular employees. Companies are often reluctant to add employees because it is hard to let them go if business conditions worsen. Students see a subtext in the new law: make it easier to hire and fire to help France compete in a globalizing world economy. Youth joblessness stands at 23 percent nationwide, and 50 percent among impoverished young people. The lack of work was blamed in part for the riots that shook France's depressed suburbs during the fall. Protests on Saturday reached every corner of France - most of them largely peaceful - with organizers citing 160 marches from the small provincial town of Rochefort in the southwest to the major city of Lyon in the southeast. In Marseille, extreme leftist youths climbed the facade of City Hall, replacing a French flag with a banner reading "Anticapitalism." Police used tear gas to disperse them and made several arrests. Police also fired tear gas at a protest in Clermont-Ferrand, a central city where 10,000 people marched and about 100 youths threw beer cans and other projectiles at a building. The Paris protest march was the biggest, attracting some 80,000 people, according to police. Organizers put the number at 300,000. Widespread discontent with the government has crystalized around a new type of job contract that Villepin says will alleviate France's sky-high youth unemployment by getting companies to risk hiring young workers. Critics say the contract abolishes labor protections crucial to the social fabric. "Aren't we the future of France?" asked Aurelie Silan, a 20-year-old student who joined a river of protesters in Paris. Government spokesman Jean-Francois Cope insisted on the need for a "spirit of dialogue." "The hand is extended, the door is open," he said on France-3 TV network. However, he limited dialogue to "improving" Villepin's plan - not withdrawing it. Waves of red union flags topped the densely packed crowd in Paris, which overflowed into side streets and stretched more than 3 1/2 miles under bright sunshine. "Throw away the job contract, don't throw away the youth!" chanted a group of students shaking tambourines. Many wore plastic bags to illustrate their feeling that the new law reduces young people to disposable workers. Some demonstrators became violent as the march ended. Youths set a car on fire, smashed a shop window, trashed a bus stop and threw stones, golf balls and other objects at police. Police responded with tear gas during skirmishes that lasted several hours. Chirac has pushed Villepin to act "as quickly as possible" to defuse the crisis, but has backed the contested measure. On Friday night, a group of university presidents met with Villepin and called on him to withdraw the jobs plan for six months to allow for debate. Failure to resolve the crisis could sorely compromise Villepin, who is believed to be Chirac's choice as his party's candidate in next year's presidential election.


发表于:2006-03-19 11:52只看该作者
(巴黎综合电)法国各大城市再次爆发万人大示威。数以万计的学生和工人昨天再次走上街头游行示威,向政府展示他们对新通过的劳工法的强烈不满。   这是在短短的三天内,法国人民第二次通过示威游行向政府施压,相信也是规模最大的一次。主办者希望,最终能够号召100万人加入全国160个城镇的示威队伍。   昨天的大示威是由工会、学生和左翼反对党号召的。首个游行于上午开始,首都巴黎的集会则在新加坡时间昨天晚上9时30分,从巴黎南部的当费尔—罗什罗地区出发。   在法国西南部的图卢兹,大约2万1000至3万3000人高喊口号,要“向一个让学生和工人为雇主卖命的政府说不”。东南部的里昂也爆发大示威,警方估计有1万人走上街头,不过主办单位公布的数字高达2万5000人。   当局出动了大批镇暴警察,部署在示威者游行的路线附近,并派人将垃圾桶和铁架移走,以防它们沦为闹事者进行大肆破坏的工具。   法国总统希拉克前天呼吁政府立即同学生和工会举行会谈,不过他依然支持新雇佣法,并指新法案“是对抗失业政策的重要元素”,“能够为大部分失业的年轻人制造新就业机会”。
发表于:2006-03-19 12:17只看该作者
抗议新雇佣法   法国示威蔓延到80个城镇 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------   (巴黎路透电)法国反对新雇佣法的示威越演越烈,全国多达80个城镇爆发示威,示威人数超过25万人。示威者纵火烧车及向警察抛掷石头,镇暴警察后来发射水炮和催泪弹驱散人群,有200多人遭逮捕。   法国内政部说,在全国80个市镇爆发了示威游行或集会,约有25万7500人参加了抗议新雇佣法律的示威行动。但学生领袖们则声称全国有30万至60万人参加了示威,法国全国84所大学中已有64所大学展开罢课和示威等抗议行动,其中有21所大学已全面关闭,另外37所也受到严重影响。   预料这次全国示威抗议新雇佣法,已使现任总理德维尔潘在2007年问鼎总统宝座的希望大为降低。1995年,同属保守派的前法国总理朱佩就因为工潮扩大,而在两年后的选举中落败了。   德维尔潘较早时推出的“首次雇用合同”法案规定,法国20人以上规模的企业,在与26岁以下青年人签订雇用合同后的最初两年内,可以随意将其解雇,无需说明原因。   德维尔潘解释说,此法案是要解决法国青年人近25%高失业率的问题。   法国原本的劳工法规定,企业解雇职员需发出一份具有法律效力的辞退证明,并列明原因,否则职员可将雇主告上法庭。德维尔潘认为这使得法国企业不敢轻易雇用缺乏经验的青年人,导致青年人失业率偏高。但法国青年却不领情,认为新雇佣法让他们工作没有保障。   路透社报道称,由于巴黎一群示威者在游行后向警察抛掷石头,警察前日不得不动用催泪弹和水炮来驱散示威群众。   在民警发生冲突后,有多间商店的窗门被打破,骚乱一直延续到晚上。在巴黎以外的一些城市,示威行动也演变成骚乱。   德维尔潘前日晚上说,他将与巴黎的多所大学校长会晤,以取得他们的支持,并将努力向学生解释,让他们了解政府的苦心,同时呼吁学生冷静。   德维尔潘此前也表示,他愿意和工会领袖就此新法案展开会谈。但他同时坚持,这个法案是在去年10月及11月间法国发生全国骚乱后,国会决定要通过的一系列“平等机会”改革法案之一,政府决意要推行。   法国工会计划,今天进行另一次大规模示威,组织者希望这次参与人数,超过3月7日的百万人大示威人数。
发表于:2006-03-19 12:35只看该作者
发表于:2006-03-19 12:45只看该作者
算不上暴動,只是不太和平的示威行動 国內一向較少報導
发表于:2006-03-19 13:03只看该作者
发表于:2006-03-19 14:26只看该作者
原帖由 及时喊单 于 2006-3-19 22:02 发表 我现在可以交易哦 空欧吧!

自信   自律   严格尊重系统

发表于:2006-03-19 14:43只看该作者
发表于:2006-03-19 16:21只看该作者
换个角度想这个法案要是切实履行对法国经济是有好处的。 谁都知道25%得失业率加上高福利对一个国家来说是什么概念。 再说了 “超过3月7日的百万人大示威人数” 3月7号就百万人大示威了,法国一共才几个年轻人? 这欧元不还是连窜四天上来了么?千万不能陷入消息陷阱。 [ 本帖最后由 airman888 于 2006-3-20 00:23 编辑 ]








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