Here are nine surprising things Jesse Livermore said regarding excessive trading:
1. “Money is made by sitting, not trading.”
2. “It takes time to make money.”
3. “It was never my thinking that made the big money for me, it always was sitting.”
4. “Nobody can catch all the fluctuations.”
5.“The desire for constant action irrespective of underlying conditions is responsible for many losses in Wall Street even among the professionals, who feel that they must take home some money everyday, as though they were working for regular wages.”
6. “Buy right, sit tight.”
7. “Men who can both be right and sit tight are uncommon.”
8. “Don’t give me timing, give me time.”
and finally, the most important thing:
9. “There is a time for all things, but I didn’t know it. And that is precisely what beats so many men in Wall Street who are very far from being in the main sucker class. There is the plain fool, who does the wrong thing at all times everywhere, but there is the Wall Street fool, who thinks he must trade all the time. Not many can always have adequate reasons for buying and selling stocks daily – or sufficient knowledge to make his play an intelligent play.”
[backcolor=#f0f0a0]九个令人惊讶的事实--杰西 · 利弗莫尔论过度交易:[/backcolor]
1."钱是坐着赚来的,不是交易赚来的。2."赚钱需要时间"。3."思考从不能为我赚大钱,一直坐着可以"。4."没有人能抓住所有的波动。"5。"无论何时不断交易的冲动是华尔街(甚至包括一些专业人士的)亏损的根源。(这些亏损者)每天必须有钱落袋为安,好像打一份工资固定的工。"6."买得对,坐得稳。"7."即能买得对又能坐得稳的人是奇才"。8."时机无所谓,时间才重要"。并且最后,最重要的事情:9. "万物皆有时,惟我不知。华尔街的许多绝非泛泛之辈也因此折戟。有一种傻瓜,无论何时何地都在做错的事。有一种华尔街傻瓜认为任何时间有需要交易。很多人缺乏足够的理由每天购买和出售股票 — — 也没有足够的知识来理智地交易。"
1."钱是坐着赚来的,不是交易赚来的。2."赚钱需要时间"。3."思考从不能为我赚大钱,一直坐着可以"。4."没有人能抓住所有的波动。"5。"无论何时不断交易的冲动是华尔街(甚至包括一些专业人士的)亏损的根源。(这些亏损者)每天必须有钱落袋为安,好像打一份工资固定的工。"6."买得对,坐得稳。"7."即能买得对又能坐得稳的人是奇才"。8."时机无所谓,时间才重要"。并且最后,最重要的事情:9. "万物皆有时,惟我不知。华尔街的许多绝非泛泛之辈也因此折戟。有一种傻瓜,无论何时何地都在做错的事。有一种华尔街傻瓜认为任何时间有需要交易。很多人缺乏足够的理由每天购买和出售股票 — — 也没有足够的知识来理智地交易。"
发表于:2015-04-26 12:51只看该作者
赌客信条 发表于 2015-4-26 20:51