本帖最后由 snowflies 于 2012-5-29 08:08 编辑
2012-3-14 13:11 Tx 2,235.84 2,235.84
2012-3-15 12:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -55.92 2,179.92
2012-3-15 12:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -25.08 2,154.84
2012-3-15 13:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 11.82 2,166.66
2012-3-15 13:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 22.30 2,188.96
2012-3-16 2:36 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -1.39 2,187.57
2012-3-16 2:36 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1.49 2,189.06
2012-3-16 4:30 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -81.46 2,107.60
2012-3-16 4:30 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -3.97 2,103.63
2012-3-16 4:30 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -32.29 2,071.34
2012-3-16 8:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -7.84 2,063.50
2012-3-16 8:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -157.01 1,906.49
2012-3-16 8:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -81.48 1,825.01
2012-3-16 10:02 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 526.17 2,351.18
2012-3-19 5:17 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1.09 2,352.27
2012-3-19 8:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 3.77 2,356.04
2012-3-19 10:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -30.03 2,326.01
2012-3-19 10:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -35.38 2,290.63
2012-3-19 10:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -29.04 2,261.59
2012-3-19 11:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 82.40 2,343.99
2012-3-19 11:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 221.34 2,565.33
2012-3-19 11:53 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 35.81 2,601.14
2012-3-20 2:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1.18 2,602.32
2012-3-20 2:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1.54 2,603.86
2012-3-20 4:33 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -17.62 2,586.24
2012-3-20 5:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -30.47 2,555.77
2012-3-20 7:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.10 2,555.87
2012-3-20 9:56 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 149.31 2,705.18
2012-3-20 10:40 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -4.67 2,700.51
2012-3-20 11:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 319.02 3,019.53
2012-3-20 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.80 3,020.33
2012-3-20 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.10 3,020.23
2012-3-20 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.26 3,019.97
2012-3-20 21:08 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -64.64 2,955.33
2012-3-20 23:23 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -48.59 2,906.74
2012-3-20 23:51 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 10.60 2,917.34
2012-3-21 3:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.10 2,917.44
2012-3-21 6:30 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -0.49 2,916.95
2012-3-21 7:52 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -155.14 2,761.81
2012-3-21 7:52 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -70.65 2,691.16
2012-3-21 7:52 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -68.17 2,622.99
2012-3-21 9:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 179.01 2,802.00
2012-3-21 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee 2.40 2,804.40
2012-3-21 22:38 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -78.90 2,725.50
2012-3-22 5:09 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1.09 2,726.59
2012-3-22 9:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -125.93 2,600.66
2012-3-22 9:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -31.08 2,569.58
2012-3-23 4:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -297.02 2,272.56
2012-3-23 4:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -58.40 2,214.16
2012-3-23 4:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -77.87 2,136.29
2012-3-23 7:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 30.02 2,166.31
2012-3-23 7:23 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.01 2,170.32
2012-3-23 9:04 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -332.36 1,837.96
2012-3-23 9:04 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -389.92 1,448.04
2012-3-23 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.06 1,448.10
2012-3-23 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.06 1,448.16
2012-3-25 19:54 Depos 800.00 2,248.16
2012-3-25 21:00 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -9.28 2,238.88
2012-3-25 21:00 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 9.18 2,248.06
2012-3-26 8:00 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -230.25 2,017.81
2012-3-26 16:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -6.34 2,011.47
2012-3-27 8:22 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -448.92 1,562.55
2012-3-27 16:37 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -280.70 1,281.85
2012-3-28 3:49 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 210.03 1,491.88
2012-3-28 6:16 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 7.97 1,499.85
2012-3-28 6:56 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1.00 1,500.85
2012-3-29 2:59 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 3.29 1,504.14
2012-3-29 4:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -63.95 1,440.19
2012-3-29 4:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -16.09 1,424.10
2012-3-29 4:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -19.59 1,404.51
2012-3-29 5:07 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -105.95 1,298.56
2012-3-29 5:21 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -74.98 1,223.58
2012-3-29 6:06 Depos 200.00 1,423.58
2012-3-30 4:22 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.39 1,427.97
2012-3-30 5:21 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.12 1,428.09
2012-3-30 7:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 7.90 1,435.99
2012-3-30 7:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -3.09 1,432.90
2012-3-30 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.02 1,432.92
2012-3-30 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.02 1,432.94
2012-4-2 4:08 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -36.67 1,396.27
2012-4-2 4:08 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -38.26 1,358.01
2012-4-2 7:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 8.68 1,366.69
2012-4-2 7:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 8.68 1,375.37
2012-4-2 7:22 Depos 1,000.00 2,375.37
2012-4-2 9:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 403.72 2,779.09
2012-4-2 9:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 411.20 3,190.29
2012-4-2 10:12 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 307.59 3,497.88
2012-4-2 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.03 3,497.85
2012-4-2 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.03 3,497.82
2012-4-2 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.03 3,497.79
2012-4-3 3:28 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 12.17 3,509.96
2012-4-3 3:35 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 15.05 3,525.01
2012-4-3 4:28 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 2.77 3,527.78
2012-4-3 5:35 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.69 3,528.47
2012-4-3 14:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -522.54 3,005.93
2012-4-3 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.09 3,005.84
2012-4-3 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.03 3,005.81
2012-4-3 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 3,005.49
2012-4-4 4:16 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 2.48 3,007.97
2012-4-4 4:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 12.80 3,020.77
2012-4-4 4:39 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.76 3,025.53
2012-4-4 14:19 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 21.12 3,046.65
2012-4-4 14:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 10.96 3,057.61
2012-4-4 17:25 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.45 3,057.16
2012-4-4 17:25 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.15 3,057.01
2012-4-4 17:25 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.15 3,056.86
2012-4-4 17:25 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.15 3,056.71
2012-4-4 20:23 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.40 3,057.11
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -50.57 3,006.54
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -50.87 2,955.67
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -54.76 2,900.91
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -59.36 2,841.55
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -63.66 2,777.89
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -86.34 2,691.55
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -253.33 2,438.22
2012-4-5 5:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -616.69 1,821.53
2012-4-5 8:37 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -259.42 1,562.11
2012-4-6 8:42 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 442.73 2,004.84
2012-4-8 20:52 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 34.91 2,039.75
2012-4-9 6:56 Depos 700.00 2,739.75
2012-4-9 9:16 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -285.93 2,453.82
2012-4-9 13:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 723.59 3,177.41
2012-4-9 13:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 472.43 3,649.84
2012-4-10 1:57 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 63.76 3,713.60
2012-4-10 1:57 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 28.39 3,741.99
2012-4-10 4:33 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 18.48 3,760.47
2012-4-10 4:33 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 46.44 3,806.91
2012-4-10 5:06 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 43.97 3,850.88
2012-4-10 7:57 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 110.82 3,961.70
2012-4-10 10:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -425.81 3,535.89
2012-4-10 10:57 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 15.05 3,550.94
2012-4-10 12:37 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -115.33 3,435.61
2012-4-10 13:00 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 219.53 3,655.14
2012-4-11 5:14 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 50.16 3,705.30
2012-4-11 5:33 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 51.15 3,756.45
2012-4-11 11:54 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 343.40 4,099.85
2012-4-11 14:12 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 86.43 4,186.28
2012-4-11 14:12 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.60 4,186.88
2012-4-11 21:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 10.03 4,196.91
2012-4-12 5:30 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.00 4,200.91
2012-4-12 6:38 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -297.92 3,902.99
2012-4-12 6:38 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -195.95 3,707.04
2012-4-12 7:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 21.00 3,728.04
2012-4-12 8:39 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 22.01 3,750.05
2012-4-12 9:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 53.00 3,803.05
2012-4-12 9:39 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -354.69 3,448.36
2012-4-12 11:41 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 97.60 3,545.96
2012-4-12 15:48 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -367.90 3,178.06
2012-4-12 17:22 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.20 3,178.26
2012-4-12 17:22 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 3,177.94
2012-4-13 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.20 3,178.14
2012-4-13 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 3,177.82
2012-4-16 8:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1,527.32 4,705.14
2012-4-16 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 4,704.82
2012-4-17 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 4,704.50
2012-4-18 6:22 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 31.68 4,736.18
2012-4-18 7:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -231.87 4,504.31
2012-4-18 10:12 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -49.47 4,454.84
2012-4-18 10:13 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -60.35 4,394.49
2012-4-18 11:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 47.49 4,441.98
2012-4-18 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -1.50 4,440.48
2012-4-18 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.96 4,439.52
2012-4-18 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -9.00 4,430.52
2012-4-19 0:23 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -621.32 3,809.20
2012-4-19 4:24 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 382.62 4,191.82
2012-4-19 4:41 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 176.96 4,368.78
2012-4-19 5:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 137.40 4,506.18
2012-4-19 7:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -103.08 4,403.10
2012-4-19 7:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -20.62 4,382.48
2012-4-19 7:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -80.88 4,301.60
2012-4-19 8:25 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1.09 4,302.69
2012-4-19 8:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.69 4,303.38
2012-4-19 9:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 214.53 4,517.91
2012-4-19 9:49 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -28.83 4,489.08
2012-4-19 10:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -104.35 4,384.73
2012-4-19 11:14 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 10.43 4,395.16
2012-4-19 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.50 4,394.66
2012-4-19 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 4,394.34
2012-4-19 18:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 223.89 4,618.23
2012-4-20 6:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.96 4,623.19
2012-4-20 6:57 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 69.45 4,692.64
2012-4-20 6:57 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 6.65 4,699.29
2012-4-20 7:46 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 12.89 4,712.18
2012-4-20 8:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 111.97 4,824.15
2012-4-20 10:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 30.71 4,854.86
2012-4-20 10:31 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -256.51 4,598.35
2012-4-20 17:22 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.30 4,598.65
2012-4-20 17:22 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 4,598.33
2012-4-22 21:40 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 161.13 4,759.46
2012-4-23 1:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 10.53 4,769.99
2012-4-23 10:40 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 126.55 4,896.54
2012-4-23 14:21 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 214.38 5,110.92
2012-4-23 16:10 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 128.34 5,239.26
2012-4-23 16:10 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 110.50 5,349.76
2012-4-23 16:10 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 319.11 5,668.87
2012-4-23 16:34 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -49.55 5,619.32
2012-4-23 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 5,619.00
2012-4-24 9:33 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -79.15 5,539.85
2012-4-24 9:39 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -398.68 5,141.17
2012-4-24 9:46 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -108.86 5,032.31
2012-4-24 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -2.00 5,030.31
2012-4-24 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 5,029.99
2012-4-25 3:02 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 102.63 5,132.62
2012-4-25 3:40 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -208.10 4,924.52
2012-4-25 10:58 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 20.87 4,945.39
2012-4-25 12:38 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.93 4,950.32
2012-4-25 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -1.20 4,949.12
2012-4-25 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -1.20 4,947.92
2012-4-25 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.96 4,946.96
2012-4-26 10:19 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 366.62 5,313.58
2012-4-26 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.40 5,313.18
2012-4-26 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.40 5,312.78
2012-4-26 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 5,312.46
2012-4-26 23:46 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -19.70 5,292.76
2012-4-26 23:49 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 25.54 5,318.30
2012-4-26 23:49 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.74 5,323.04
2012-4-26 23:56 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 25.45 5,348.49
2012-4-27 2:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 84.84 5,433.33
2012-4-27 5:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -109.18 5,324.15
2012-4-27 5:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -109.57 5,214.58
2012-4-27 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 5,214.26
2012-4-30 8:31 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 872.40 6,086.66
2012-4-30 17:25 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,086.34
2012-5-1 5:20 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 24.68 6,111.02
2012-5-1 5:50 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 29.14 6,140.16
2012-5-1 16:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 38.25 6,178.41
2012-5-1 16:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 28.39 6,206.80
2012-5-1 16:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 18.63 6,225.43
2012-5-1 16:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 8.68 6,234.11
2012-5-1 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,233.79
2012-5-2 10:43 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 117.69 6,351.48
2012-5-2 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -1.50 6,349.98
2012-5-2 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.96 6,349.02
2012-5-3 8:33 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -382.87 5,966.15
2012-5-3 9:07 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 142.76 6,108.91
2012-5-3 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,108.59
2012-5-4 10:12 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 19.96 6,128.55
2012-5-4 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.05 6,128.50
2012-5-4 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.35 6,128.15
2012-5-4 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.05 6,128.10
2012-5-4 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.05 6,128.05
2012-5-4 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,127.73
2012-5-6 17:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -909.66 5,218.07
2012-5-6 17:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -122.74 5,095.33
2012-5-6 17:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -127.81 4,967.52
2012-5-6 17:44 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -129.71 4,837.81
2012-5-7 5:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 301.06 5,138.87
2012-5-7 9:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -487.20 4,651.67
2012-5-7 9:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -283.37 4,368.30
2012-5-7 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -2.00 4,366.30
2012-5-7 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 4,365.98
2012-5-8 5:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 271.10 4,637.08
2012-5-8 5:51 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 0.10 4,637.18
2012-5-8 10:14 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 270.83 4,908.01
2012-5-8 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 4,907.69
2012-5-9 5:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 16.04 4,923.73
2012-5-9 7:10 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 88.38 5,012.11
2012-5-9 11:15 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 31.68 5,043.79
2012-5-9 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.96 5,042.83
2012-5-9 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -9.00 5,033.83
2012-5-10 0:33 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 981.39 6,015.22
2012-5-10 8:19 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 299.56 6,314.78
2012-5-10 10:47 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 157.05 6,471.83
2012-5-10 10:56 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 103.15 6,574.98
2012-5-10 15:18 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 166.21 6,741.19
2012-5-10 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,740.87
2012-5-11 10:13 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 267.98 7,008.85
2012-5-11 17:19 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 7,008.53
2012-5-14 8:37 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -424.06 6,584.47
2012-5-14 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.50 6,583.97
2012-5-14 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,583.65
2012-5-15 3:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 282.07 6,865.72
2012-5-15 8:44 Withd -700.00 6,165.72
2012-5-15 8:57 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -325.35 5,840.37
2012-5-15 9:38 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -433.13 5,407.24
2012-5-15 10:25 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 238.59 5,645.83
2012-5-15 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.05 5,645.78
2012-5-15 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.50 5,645.28
2012-5-15 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.50 5,644.78
2012-5-15 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 5,644.46
2012-5-16 0:16 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -71.65 5,572.81
2012-5-16 0:16 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -623.64 4,949.17
2012-5-16 0:16 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -544.93 4,404.24
2012-5-16 4:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -25.96 4,378.28
2012-5-16 4:27 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 75.70 4,453.98
2012-5-16 4:46 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 14.46 4,468.44
2012-5-16 8:00 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 169.35 4,637.79
2012-5-16 9:56 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 1,041.64 5,679.43
2012-5-16 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -1.28 5,678.15
2012-5-17 7:25 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 144.08 5,822.23
2012-5-17 7:25 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -133.99 5,688.24
2012-5-17 7:25 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -439.53 5,248.71
2012-5-17 8:04 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 705.67 5,954.38
2012-5-17 10:09 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 504.03 6,458.41
2012-5-17 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,458.09
2012-5-18 6:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 22.39 6,480.48
2012-5-18 10:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -484.68 5,995.80
2012-5-18 10:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -38.29 5,957.51
2012-5-20 18:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.09 5,961.60
2012-5-20 18:02 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 22.68 5,984.28
2012-5-21 2:55 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -2.55 5,981.73
2012-5-21 6:45 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -18.37 5,963.36
2012-5-21 8:09 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -379.29 5,584.07
2012-5-21 8:22 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 34.98 5,619.05
2012-5-21 8:22 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 365.15 5,984.20
2012-5-21 11:06 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 355.55 6,339.75
2012-5-21 15:54 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 326.31 6,666.06
2012-5-21 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,665.74
2012-5-22 5:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 249.95 6,915.69
2012-5-22 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,915.37
2012-5-23 9:59 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 713.63 7,629.00
2012-5-23 12:28 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -601.65 7,027.35
2012-5-23 15:31 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 253.06 7,280.41
2012-5-23 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -1.28 7,279.13
2012-5-23 19:25 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 112.72 7,391.85
2012-5-24 6:19 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -503.69 6,888.16
2012-5-24 6:31 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 13.31 6,901.47
2012-5-24 6:35 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 107.58 7,009.05
2012-5-24 7:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -105.41 6,903.64
2012-5-24 7:51 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 143.39 7,047.03
2012-5-24 9:34 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 14.34 7,061.37
2012-5-24 9:48 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 78.98 7,140.35
2012-5-24 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.15 7,140.20
2012-5-24 17:21 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 7,139.88
2012-5-25 2:01 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 165.53 7,305.41
2012-5-25 2:19 Withd -2,000.00 5,305.41
2012-5-25 3:13 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -49.76 5,255.65
2012-5-25 3:22 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 4.92 5,260.57
2012-5-25 3:23 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -41.42 5,219.15
2012-5-25 3:23 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -49.73 5,169.42
2012-5-25 3:23 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -17.53 5,151.89
2012-5-25 4:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -71.32 5,080.57
2012-5-25 4:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -118.36 4,962.21
2012-5-25 4:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -24.29 4,937.92
2012-5-25 4:11 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade -23.26 4,914.66
2012-5-25 6:05 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 128.26 5,042.92
2012-5-25 8:26 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 502.71 5,545.63
2012-5-25 9:03 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 398.24 5,943.87
2012-5-27 22:32 PnL Profit/Loss of Trade 340.38 6,284.25
2012-5-28 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee 0.03 6,284.28
2012-5-28 17:20 Rollover Rollover Fee -0.32 6,283.96
Total: 6,283.96
发表于:2012-05-29 00:13只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 04:01只看该作者
本帖最后由 fengkun 于 2012-5-29 12:08 编辑
发表于:2012-05-29 04:03只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 04:05只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 04:20只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 04:50只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 06:46只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 07:05只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 07:35只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 08:32只看该作者
2012-3-14 13:11 2,235.84
2012-3-25 19:54 Depos 800.00 2,248.16
2012-3-29 6:06 Depos 200.00 1,423.58
2012-4-2 7:22 Depos 1,000.00 2,375.37
2012-4-9 6:56 Depos 700.00 2,739.75
2012-5-15 8:44 Withd -700.00 6,165.72
2012-5-25 2:19 Withd -2,000.00 5,305.41
2012-5-28 17:20 6,283.96
发表于:2012-05-29 08:40只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-29 08:57只看该作者
发表于:2012-05-30 09:22只看该作者