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楼主发表于:2011-12-14 03:44只看该作者倒序浏览
1楼 电梯直达
“截断亏损让利润奔跑”的老外描述 Hi everyone, I would like to comment on becoming a winning trader by cutting losses and letting profits ride because I strongly believe that it is one of the hardest things for a trader to actually do but one of the most vital in becoming successful. I think it is particulary relevant to people in this thread that are just starting out because James tells us to trade only off daily and weekly bars while we are learning and he also says that once we master that we will most likely neither want or need to use lower time frames. The problem with this however is that the really good setups do not come along that regularly and when they do, they often require a large stop. As a result, to be consistently profitable over time it is vital that trades are allowed to develop but that losses are cut short. I originally wrote this in response to a post on FF in which a trader, who wanted to make a living off of just daily bars, said that he had had approximately thirty wins and only ten losses but had wiped out his whole account. It turns out that just three of these trades swallowed all his money because he kept thinking they would turn around. This trader went on to say that when he had had winners, his reaction was always the same - he would see his position positive and immediately close and take the profit – only to usually end up seeing the market continue in the way he had originally thought it would. Since letting trades run is a topic Seeking has already covered, I thought it might help people if I posted it here too. I've tried to add some new things, including charts to illustrate my points. My answer to the trader is as follows: If you are in a situation where the position you have taken is significantly in profit, take a minute to sit quietly and think rationally. You need to focus on the fundamental thing that your position is now telling you. You have called the market and you are RIGHT. We know by its very nature that the market goes up and down so when we are losing we hope at some point it will come back and if we are winning we worry that it may turn and that we may give some, or worse, ALL of our profits back. I quote from memory of another’s work (I forget the source) when I say that we are "taught" from an early age that: a) If we lose something it will eventually come back (e.g. If you lose your car keys, not to worry, they WILL eventually turn up) b) If you see something, take it or you might lose the chance (e.g. If you see money lying in the street, pick it up quickly because it may not be there for long) This translates into our trading. If our position goes against us, we tell ourselves not to worry because nothing goes one way for ever and it must surely come back. If we are winning, we want to get out quickly because if we come back later, all our profit may all be gone. The reason it is so hard to overcome this is because it has been "programmed" into us. To be a good trader, requires going against what we have had ingrained from an early age. To put it simply, it requires going against human nature - what our heads and our hearts tell us. It's been repeated so often it’s boring. And yet all traders that don't make it into the elite 5% suffer a manifestation of the same problem. They are either not cutting losses early or not letting their profits run. Have you ever wondered why the market always reverses after you get out? Late last year I went long the GBP at around 1.90 targeting a move to $2. At the time the pound had made an attempt on 1.91 several times and then come off - it was like a barrier and I felt certain that once it was broken it would go straight up to $2. This time I was convinced it would give way under the pressure of constant testing. However, once I was long, the market began to fall. And I held and I held. Every day that it fell, I moved my stop further back, convinced that it would soon turn. When it got down to around 1.85, I closed out. Not because I thought it would go any lower but simply because I could no longer take the pain of losing. And what happened? The market turned at almost exactly that point and only a few weeks later it was trading at 1.98 - a full 800 pips up on my original entry. (see GBP/USD chart) Now whether I am right or wrong I will tell you how I see this in my head. I see it as the market having to turn because all the amateurs like me have held their position for so long, past so many logical places to get out that finally the pain is FORCING them to bail out. And once the weak having been shaken from the tree, the market is ready to move up again. As I said, this may be wrong, but this is how I like to view it. So how do you overcome this? Pick a point before you place a trade that, if the market hits, proves you are WRONG in your analysis. If you see, for example, a double top, and want to go short, place your stop a little way above the double top. I have done this before, shorted at what I consider a top, only to see the market move up through it. Rather than close, I would then move my stop further and further away with the reasoning, this climb cannot go on, its got to fall...it's just a market fake out...it will come down. But here is the point: Who cares if it comes down an hour later? Or the next day? Your reasoning is that the double top is the turning point. If the market trades through it, you are WRONG. This is NOT the top. What if it was only a fake out and the market then plummets? You likely end up frustrated. What if it wasn't and you keep moving your stop back? Well that's a quick way to the poorhouse. And I know which of these outcomes I think is worse. Remember, the market has a way of frustrating every trader but the greatest traders are flexible. If you are wrong in the short term, close your position and wait on the sidelines where you can see clearly and wait for the market to move in the direction you thought it would. Timing is everything when you are trying to make a living do this. If your timing is wrong, then get out. Sometimes the market may give you another chance but you can bet the time you need it to most, is the time you will get dragged out. This may make you laugh but it took me, personally, just over two years to realise this simple truth: You have no control over the market. You cannot influence where it goes. The market doesn't know who you are; it doesn't care who you are, what you have or what you could lose. It goes where it goes and you either ride it or you get carried out. So, that's how you should cut losses. How about letting profits run? For me, a key thing to remember is NOT to look for reasons to exit a trade once it is going well. I did this a few months back with the GBP/JPY. The trend overall was firmly up but it had suffered a rather sharp pullback over a few days. Then it had bounced at an EMA that I use and began making its way back up. So I got in based on this DAILY bar and near the end of the day it was up just over 100 points. Now I became enamoured with this 100 point gain. I had a considerable amount of money on the table and as such I started seeing reasons to exit. Suffice to say, I found what I thought was a good one - the stochastic was overbought on the HOURLY - it was running along steadily just above the overbought line. So, out I came. Then, in the Asian session, the price steadied and while it did this the stochastic came slowly down to oversold and then began to turn up, even though the price has suffered almost no pull back. The next morning the market was up strong again and just a few days later it was up 1,000 ticks on my original entry. (see GBP/JPY chart) For me, the emotional pain I felt at being in it, then exiting and missing the massive move, was the same as, if not worse to just having LOST in the first place. I spent five months trading from home and gradually lost all my money. Looking back, that one trade could have been the difference between me being still at home trading for a living and where I am now - which is back in the daily 9-5 in an office doing a job I hate. So, of utmost importance - remember why you entered the trade in the first place. With price action you can do this by STICKING TO YOUR TIMEFRAME. If you took a pin on the daily, do not get shaken out by a pin in the opposite direction on the hourly. Sometimes you learn something when you least expect it. I actually had an epiphany of sorts when my girlfriend who knows absolutely nothing about the markets at all said to me: "Everyone has different reasons for doing things - they all play the game a different way." This is the reason why the market goes up and down. Everyone is buying and selling based on different thought processes. Different strategies. Different methodologies. But your reason is based on YOUR methodology so forget the other players. Let the market guide you. In my opinion, a 20 tick pullback in a 100 tick move up is not a sign that the move is reversing. It is natural and it is inevitable. Consider the other market participants. In the short term they may want to scalp a small move or they may be hedging and therefore taking a position for another reason UNRELATED to profiting. These buyers and sellers will cause temporary fluctuations in price but actually exiting a good trade should be done when YOUR reason for entering is WRONG not just because it is suffering a temporary setback. Let's look at price action since that is what James teaches. If I enter on the break of a daily pin bar, (with a stop loss of say 100) I EXIT either when: a) The daily bar gives me a sign the move is over and that signal is then CONFIRMED e.g. Signal may be another pin that appears, confirmation would be the break of it b) My original stop is hit. If I get in a trade and the market is up 300 ticks on the first day, I still have my stop loss where I could lose 100 if I get hit when the new session starts. Each day I will trail my stop depending on the price action of the previous session. If you are long and in profit and then a bullish outside bar develops, then place your stop just underneath that bar because a reversal back underneath it means the trend is not as strong at the moment as you had thought. But always try and remember – simply being UP is not a consideration for getting OUT. Some people take these signals and close on the FIRST DAY because they have made a killing. Just think for a second - You are trading off a daily bar. You've had just ONE go in your favour. Try this. Look at a massive trend that you would like to have caught. (I've attached one for you - see the Dow chart) Look at a possible entry such as the double bottom, or any of the many swing lows. Then count how many daily bars made up the rest of the move, from bottom to top. Now consider exiting on the first one that shows a profit. Of course some people don't like to play this way. They like to take profits or they like to scale out as it moves their way. This is all well and good if there is a valid reason other than "this has gone really far." If you trade with the trend (and in forex the markets are renound for trending better than in other markets) you can capture a very large move simply by not being so quick to exit. I would add finally, that it is always an eye opener when you read about how other traders have managed positions. If you research some of the best and highest earning traders in the world and follow what they did on the charts you will find as I did that if you took the same position, the moment you would look to exit is usually the moment that they are looking to ADD to their position. Look at the traders that made a killing in the incredible fall that happened in Natural Gas futures. Go and look at a chart of that market. (see Natural Gas chart) On a daily you wonder how anyone that saw it didn't get rich. It's straight down. But then imagine being actually in it and seeing a sharp two day spike up from all the bargain hunters. Most, if not all of the people reading this, would, if honest with themselves, be long gone, patting themselves on the back for their profit even as the market turns and falls through the floor. So to sum up: Have the strength of your convictions. There are some traders that aim to take 10 pips a day and that is fine. If that is your style and you are consistently profitable then by all means do that. But if you want to trade off daily charts and make a living and if you consider that a stop on a daily chart may be 100 ticks or more, don't be rushing for the exit when you make 50. This is not to say that any trader should hold blindly. But try and be logical. Look at price action and let it tell you where the market is going over the time frame. And remember the other participants in the market. There is always a tug of war in the market but someone is going to win...and if you are patient, that someone may be you.


发表于:2011-12-14 10:23只看该作者
I strongly believe that it is one of the hardest things for a trader to actually do but one of the most vital in becoming successful.


发表于:2011-12-14 11:13只看该作者
发表于:2011-12-14 11:22只看该作者
发表于:2011-12-14 11:41只看该作者
发表于:2011-12-14 11:48只看该作者
翻的有任何问题别找我,请联系Google= =! 大家好, 我想成为一个减少损失,让利润骑获奖交易商评论,因为我坚信,这是一个商人最困难的事情,实际执行,但在成为成功的最重要的的一个。 我觉得这是特别是有关在这个线程才刚刚开始,因为詹姆斯告诉我们,贸易,只有淡季每日和每周的酒吧,而我们正在学习,他也说,一旦我们掌握,我们将最有可能既不希望或需要的人使用较低的时限。 然而,这个问题是,真正的好设置不来一直定期,当他们这样做,他们往往需要一个大的停止。因此,随着时间的推移将持续盈利是至关重要的行业都可以发展,但损失剪短。 我最初写在回应上FF后,其中一名商人,谁想要的生活,只是每天酒吧,说他曾经有过大约30胜只有十的损失,但已经摧毁了他的整个帐户。原来,只是这三个行业吞下了所有的钱,因为他一直在想他们会掉头。 此交易员接着说,他曾经有过的优胜者,他的反应总是相同的 - 他会看到他的位置正,并立即关闭,并采取利润 - 只有通常最终在他原本以为看到市场继续它会的。 由于出租行业的运行是一个主题,要求已经覆盖了,我想如果我张贴在这里太,它可能会帮助人们。我尝试添加一些新的东西,包括图表来说明我的观点。 交易者,我的回答如下: 如果您有显著利润的情况下,你所采取的立场是,花一分钟,静静地坐在和理性思考。你需要把重点放在根本的东西,你现在的位置是告诉你。 你有所谓的市场,你是对的。 我们知道,就其性质,市场上升和下降,所以,当我们正在失去我们希望在某些时候,它会回来,如果我们赢,我们担心,它可能会变成和我们可能会给一些,或者更糟的是,所有我们的利润。 我引用他人作品(我忘记了源)的内存,当我说我们是“教”,从一个从小: a)如果我们失去的东西,它最终会回来(例如,如果你失去你的车钥匙,不用担心,他们最终将打开) b)如果你看到的东西,要么接受,要么你可能会失去机会(例如,如果你看到躺在街上的钱,迅速地把它捡起来,因为它有可能不会持续太久) 这意味着到我们的贸易。如果我们的立场,反对我们,我们告诉自己,不要担心,因为没有什么的推移永远单程肯定回来。如果我们获胜,我们要迅速脱身,因为如果我们回来以后,我们所有的利润都可能消失。 它是如此难以克服的原因是因为它已经成为我们的“编程”。要一个优秀的交易,需要去反对什么,我们不得不从小根深蒂固。简单地说,它要求违背人性 - 我们头上,我们的心告诉我们。 它已经如此反复,往往它的枯燥。但不使之成为精英的5%,所有的商人遭受了同样的问题的一种表现。他们要么不减少损失早期或不让他们的利润运行。 你有没有想过为什么市场总是逆转后,你呢?去年年底,我去长大约1.90英镑目标移动至2元。 当时英镑1.91几次的尝试,然后脱落 - 它像一道屏障,我敢肯定,一旦被打破,它会直线上升至2元。这我确信它会根据不断测试压力的方式。 但是,一旦我长,市场开始回落。我曾和我举行。每天下跌,我提​​出我停止进一退,相信这将很快打开。 当它下降到1.85左右,我关闭了。这并不是因为我认为它会去较低,但只是因为我再也不能失去的痛苦。发生了什么?市场转向这一点几乎一模一样,仅在几个星期后,它的交易价格在1.98 - 一个完整的800点子上我原来的条目。 (见英镑/美元图表) 现在我是否对或错,我会告诉你我看到在我的头上。我认为市场转,因为所有像我这样的业余有自己的立场得到了这么久,过去那么多的逻辑的地方举行,最后的痛苦是迫使他们摆脱困境。而一旦弱树动摇,市场准备再次向上移动。正如我所说,这可能是错误的,但这是我怎么样,以查看它。 那么,你如何克服? 选择一个点,然后再放置一个贸易,如果市场命中,证明你是错误的分析。例如,如果你看到一个双顶,并希望去短,地方你停止一个小双顶以上的方式。 我这样做之前,我认为一个顶级短路,只看到市场移动。而不是关闭,我将停止与推理我越走越远,爬上不能去,得下跌... ...这只是一个市场假冒... ...它会降下来。 但这里的一点是:如果把它归结一个小时后,谁在乎呢?或第二天?你的理由是,双顶的转折点。如果通过它的市场交易,你错了。这是不顶。 如果这只是一个假出和市场,然后狂泻?你可能最终沮丧。如果它不和你保持移动止损?的快捷方式的救济院。我知道这些成果,我认为是雪上加霜。 请记住,市场上有一个令人沮丧的每个交易者的方式,但最大的商人是灵活的。如果你是错在短期内,关闭你的位置,并等待在那里你可以清楚地看到,等待市场移动的方向,你认为它会在场边。 时间就是一切,当你试图谋生做到这一点。如果您的时间是错误的,然后全身而退。有时市场可能给你一个机会,但你可以打赌你到最需要它的时候,你会得到拖出时间。 这可能会让你笑,但我花了,亲自短短的两年时间,实现这个简单的道理:你有没有对市场的控制。你不能影响它。 “市场不知道你是谁;它并不关心你是谁,你有什么或你可能会失去什么。当然它,你可以骑它,或你得到开展。 所以,这就是你应该如何减少损失。关于让利润如何运行的? 对于我来说,一个关键的是要记住,不找原因退出交易,一旦顺利。 我这样做是几个月前,英镑/日元。总体的趋势是坚决,但它遭受过几天,而大幅下滑。然后,它已经反弹一个EMA的,我使用,并开始备份。所以我就在在这个每天结束的一天,这是刚刚超过100点附近的酒吧和基础。现在我开始迷恋这100点的涨幅。我在桌子上的大量资金,因此,我开始看到退出的原因。 我只想说,我发现,我认为是一个很好的 - 随机的每小时超买 - 它正上方的超买线稳步运行。所以,我来。然后,在亚洲时段,价格走稳,虽然它随机附带慢慢放下超卖,然后开始转向,尽管价格已经几乎没有受到拉回来。 第二天早晨,市场再度上涨强劲,短短几天后,这是1000我原来的项目上的蜱。 (见英镑/日元图表) 对于我来说,情绪上的痛苦,我觉得它,然后退出,缺少大规模的移动,是相同的,如果不是更糟,只是损失摆在首位。 从家里我花了5个月的交易,并逐渐失去了所有的钱。回想起来,那一个行业,本来是我仍生活在家里交易之间的区别我现在 - 这是在每日9-5回,在办公室做了工作,我恨。 因此,最重要的 - 记住你为什么进入贸易摆在首位。随着价格行动中,你可以坚持你的时间框架。如果你采取了日常的针,没有得到动摇,在相反方向的每小时针。 有时你学到一些东西,当你最不希望的时候。其实我有各种各样的顿悟,当我的女朋友,谁知道绝对没有对市场对我说:“每个人都有不同的做事原因 - 他们都以不同的方式玩游戏” 这是为什么市场上升和下降的原因。每个人都在买与卖的基础上不同的思维过程。不同的策略。不同的方法。 但你的理由是基于你的方法,所以忘了其他球员。让市场引导你。 在我看来,在100打勾移动20打勾回落是不是一个迹象,表明此举是扭转。这是很自然的,这是不可避免的。考虑其他的市场参与者。他们可能会在短期内要头皮一个小的举动,也可能是对冲,因此采取以获利无关的另一个原因位置。这些买家和卖家,会导致价格的短暂波动,但实际上退出了良好的贸易应该做的,当你进入的原因是错误的,不只是因为它是遭受暂时的挫折。 让我们来看看价格行为,因为这是詹姆斯教。 如果我每天针栏上的突破,(一说100止损)进入我退出时: 一)酒吧每天给我一个迹象,此举结束了和确认信号是如信号可能出现的另一个引脚,确认将它打破 B)我原来的站被击中。 如果我在贸易和市场高达300蜱的第一天,我仍然有我的止损,我可能会失去100,如果我打的新会话启动时。 每一天,我会根据上届会议的价格行动落后我停止。如果你是长期和利润,然后一个看涨的外部条开发,然后将下方的酒吧停止,因为背部下方逆转的趋势是不是在你所想的的那一刻起强烈的。 但总是试图记住 - 仅仅是不考虑失控。 有人把这些信号,并关闭的第一天,因为他们犯了一个杀人。试想想,第二个 - 你的交易每天酒吧。你已经刚刚在你的好感,一气呵成。试试这个。看一个巨大的趋势,你想赶上。 (我已经附加了一个给你 - 看到道琼斯指数图表)看一个可能的入口,如双底,或许多摆动低点。再算多少每日酒吧休息的举动,从底部到顶部。现在考虑退出利润放在了第一位,显示。 当然有些人不喜欢玩这种方式。他们想借此利润,或将他们的方式,他们喜欢向外扩展。这一切都很好,如果有正当理由比其他“这已经真的不远。”如果您与趋势交易(和在外汇市场比其他市场的趋势更好renound),您可以捕捉一个非常大的举动根本没有这么快退出。 最后,我想补充,它始终是一个大开眼界,当你阅读其他交易者如何管理职位。如果研究一些最好的和最高收入在世界贸易商,并按照他们在图表上,你会发现像我一样,如果你花同样的位置,看退出的时候,你会通常是他们的那一刻添加到自己的位置。 看杀人的商人,取得了令人难以置信的下降发生在天然气期货。去看看在该市场中的图表。 (见天然气图表)在日常,你想知道如何看到它没有富起来的人。它的直线下降。但是,然后想象在实际中,所有的逢低看到两个尖锐的一天秒杀。最重要的是,如果不是所有的人读这,会,如果与自己诚实,早已荡然无存,拍着自己的利润背面,即使市场转,并通过地板下降。 因此,总结:有你的信念的力量。 有一些商人,目的是采取每天10点,这是。如果这是你的风格和持续盈利,则通过各种手段。但如果你想权衡每日图表和谋生,如果你认为日线图上一个停止可能是100蜱或以上,不抢着当你退出50。 这并不是说,任何交易者应该持有盲目。但尝试,是合乎逻辑的。看看价格行为,让它告诉你市场是超过时限。记得,在市场上的其他参与者。 战争总是有一个在市场拉锯战,但有人要赢... ...如果你有耐心,有人可能是你。
发表于:2011-12-14 11:58只看该作者
发表于:2011-12-14 12:18只看该作者


发表于:2011-12-14 12:22只看该作者
发表于:2011-12-14 14:31只看该作者
什么跟什么呀 联系Google。。。。。。。


发表于:2011-12-15 00:58只看该作者
还没有好心人翻译吗 :08: 只有让联系谷歌的。。。


发表于:2011-12-15 01:59只看该作者
发表于:2011-12-15 03:17只看该作者
原帖由 jimmysh 于 2011-12-15 09:59 发表 http://www.talkforex.com/images/common/back.gif 这英语一点难度都没有,做外汇不学好英语怎么行
那太好了 那请你给翻翻 谢谢先


发表于:2011-12-15 03:23只看该作者
原帖由 jimmysh 于 2011-12-15 09:59 发表 http://www.talkforex.com/images/common/back.gif 这英语一点难度都没有,做外汇不学好英语怎么行
先谢谢。 人民不会忘记你。







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