下面是它最近的声明,按中文声明的理解是不是我不能设置20~35范围点以外的止损(或限价)点数?而英文“maximum range between a new Stop or Limit order and the market price will increase from the current 20 pips to 35 pips”似乎是说止损(限价)的最大值将从目前的20点提高到35点。到底他说的这个范围是怎么个意思?[em10] [em10] [em10]
Thank you for choosing CMS as your Forex broker;;;; we value your continued
patronage. Recently, extreme market conditions led to the implementation of
certain rules governing the placement of Stop and Limit orders. We always try to
provide our customers with the best possible trading services in a given market
situation. Further changes are now being made to ensure that clients do not
experience slippage on Stop and Limit orders during violent market moves. The
maximum range between a new Stop or Limit order and the market price will
increase from the current 20 pips to 35 pips approximately 15 minutes before a
significant economic announcement. In addition, we will continue to have an
in-house policy of honoring Stop and Limit orders up to 10 lots.
Most other companies have no such policy;;;; some even widen spreads
during market moves to protect themselves at their clients?expense. Please be
assured that we will continue to do our best to protect you from the adverse
effects of extreme market conditions.
谢谢您选择CMS 成为您的外汇交易劵商, 也更加感谢您对我们CMS一直以来的大力支持。在市场波动大的情况下,我们同样会尽量保证执行客户的止损单与止赢单。同时为了保证客户在交易过程中不会有滑点的情况出现,请注意新的止损单与止赢单必须在重要经济数据公布前15分钟设定好,请设价位与当时市价的差别的范围从20点到35点不等。另外,本公司将继续保证10口以下的止损单与止赢单。
[此帖子已被 hsj 在 2004-9-20 21:32:55 编辑过]
发表于:2004-09-20 13:16只看该作者
写信去问比较好 他们网站有一个中文联络信箱的 由CMS做出的解释肯定比在这里问的清楚[em2]
发表于:2004-09-20 14:19只看该作者
发表于:2004-09-20 15:35只看该作者