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楼主发表于:2008-10-10 11:52只看该作者倒序浏览
1楼 电梯直达
RBS和BT成了今天的领头羊 [ 本帖最后由 official 于 2008-10-10 13:20 编辑 ]untitled.JPGuntitled.JPG


楼主发表于:2008-10-10 12:04只看该作者
不知道说什么好了,一个词形容,祖国山河一片红:L untitled.JPGuntitled.JPG
发表于:2008-10-10 12:04只看该作者
楼主发表于:2008-10-10 12:13只看该作者
楼主发表于:2008-10-10 12:17只看该作者
G7的时间安排 Tentative Schedule of EventsLast Updated: October 09, 2008 Events not open to the public
Monday, October 6
8:00 a.m.Press Credentials Pick-Up Opens
Venue: World Bank's H Building Auditorium (G Street between 19th and 20th Streets)
Tuesday, October 7
8:00 a.m.Press Room Opens
Venue: IMF Headquarters (Red and Blue Levels)
9:00 a.m.Press Briefing: Global Financial Stability Report by Jaime Caruana, IMF Monetary and Capital Markets Department Director Webcast
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Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
Wednesday, October 8
9:00 a.m.Press Briefing: World Economic Outlook by Olivier Blanchard, IMF Economic Counselor Webcast
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Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
12:00 p.m. - 12:30 p.m.Press Briefing: "Why Women Matter: Agriculture Sourcebook"
Venue: Room B-610 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
4:00 p.m.Press Briefing: "Impact of the Financial Crisis on Latin America and the Caribbean" with Augusto de la Torre, World Bank Chief Economist for the Latin America and the Caribbean Region
Venue: World Bank I Building, Room 8-200
4:00 p.m.Press Briefing: Fisheries and the Sunken Billions
Venue: Room B-610 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
Thursday, October 9
9:00 a.m.Press Briefing: IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn Webcast
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Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
10:30 a.m.Press Briefing: World Bank President Robert Zoellick Webcast
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Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
Friday, October 10
9:00 a.m. to 6:30 p.m.Program of Seminars
9:00 a.m.Group of 24 Ministers Meeting Photo Opportunity (photojournalists should assemble 15 minutes prior to the event starting time in the press room at the IMF/World Bank Press Desks on the Red Level, IMF Headquarters)
Venue: TBD
9:30 a.m.Press Briefing: Sub-Saharan Africa Economic Outlook by Antoinette Sayeh, IMF Africa Department Director
Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
11:00 a.m.- 12:30 p.m.Launch of the Adolescent Girls Initiative: An alliance for economic empowerment, dedicated to connecting girls’ education today to quality work tomorrow
Venue: World Bank MC Building, Room 13-121
12:00 p.m.Press Briefing: Recent developments in Latin America by IMF Western Hemisphere Department Director Anoop Singh
Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
1:15 p.m.Press Briefing: Europe and Central Asia (ECA) Economic Update by Shigeo Katsu, ECA Vice President, Pradeep Mitra Chief Economist ECA, and Andrew Kircher
Venue: B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
3:00 p.m.Press Briefing: East Asia Pacific’s Roundtable discussion on “Managing Inflation and Protecting the Poor”
Venue: World Bank MC Building, Room 2-800
3:15 p.m.Press Briefing: G-24 Chairman Jean-Claude Masangu Mulongo, Central Bank Governor of the Democratic Republic of the Congo
Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
4:15 p.m.Press Briefing: 2008 Middle East North Africa (MENA)Economic Developments and Prospects: Regional Integration for Global Competitiveness chaired by Daniela Gressani, World Bank Vice President MENA Region; Ritva Reinikka, Director Social and Economic Department, MENA Region; Farrukh Iqbal, World Bank Sector Manager Economic Development, MENA Region
Venue: B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
Saturday, October 11
7:00 a.m.Group of 10 Ministers Meeting Photo Opportunity (photojournalists should assemble 15 minutes prior to the event starting time in the press room at the IMF/World Bank Press Desks on the Red Level, IMF Headquarters)
Venue: TBD
10:30 a.m.International Monetary and Financial Committee (IMFC) Meeting Photo Opportunity (photojournalists should assemble 15 minutes prior to the event starting time in the press room at the IMF/World Bank Press Desks on the Red Level, IMF Headquarters)
Venue: TBD
11:00 a.m.Press Briefing: African Finance Ministers
Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
11:00 a.m.Press Briefing: Comprehensive Follow-up Report on Implementation of the FSF Recommendations on Enhancing Market and Institutional Resilience hosted by the Chairman of the Financial Stability Forum and Governor of Bank of Italy, Mario Draghi
Venue: R-710 (Red Level), IMF Headquarters
2:00 p.m.Press Briefing: The Climate Resilient Cities Report - EAP
Venue: B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
3:00-3:30 p.m.Launch of South-South Facility featuring Mr. Robert B. Zoellick, World Bank Group President, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala, World Bank Group Managing Director, Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala plus seven ministers
Venue: B-610 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
3:30 p.m. approx.Press Briefing: IMFC Chair and IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
5:00 p.m.Press Briefing: Doing Business in Africa
Venue: World Bank MC Building, Room 4-800
5:30 p.m.Signing ceremony to mark Qatar's membership in IFC with IFC Executive Vice President and CEO Lars Thunell and Qatar Minister of Finance and H.E. Youssif Hussain Kamal.
Venue: World Bank MC Building, Room 13-301
5:30 p.m.Press Briefing by the International Working Group on Sovereign Wealth Funds (IWG) on the Santiago Principles
Venue: B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
Sunday, October 12
9:00 a.m.Development Committee (DC) Meeting Photo Opportunity (photojournalists should assemble 15 minutes prior to the event starting time in the press room at the IMF/World Bank Press Desks on the Red Level, IMF Headquarters)
Venue: TBD
11:00 a.m.Press Briefing: HIPC Finance Ministers
Venue: B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
11:00 a.m.-12:30 p.m.Banque de France - Financial Stability Review on Valuation: Panel discussion with Christian Noyer, Jaime Caruana, Hugo Banziger, Philipp Hildebrand, Avinash Persuad, José Viñals
Venue: R-710 (Red Level), IMF Headquarters
3:00 p.m.Per Jacobsson Foundation: Panel Discussion on "The Role and Governance of the IMF: Further Reflections on Reform", with Stanley Fischer, Trevor Manuel, Jean Pisani-Ferry, and Raghuram Rajan, chaired by Andrew Crockett
Venue: IFC Auditorium, 2121 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
3:30 p.m.Press Briefing: DC Chairman Agustín Carstens, World Bank Group President Robert B. Zoellick, and IMF Managing Director Dominique Strauss-Kahn
Venue: Main Press Briefing Room, Room B-702 (Blue Level), IMF Headquarters
4:30 p.m. to 6:00 p.m.Program of Seminars
Monday, October 13
9:30 a.m.Annual Meetings Opening Plenary Session
Venue: DAR Constitution Hall
2:30 p.m.Annual Meetings Closing Session
Venue: IMF HQ2, Conference Hall
10:00 p.m. Press Room Closes
Tuesday, October 14
9:30 a.m.WB & JICA Seminar: Dialogues on Development Strategies Towards Better Partnership
Venue: World Bank, MC 4-800
发表于:2008-10-10 12:40只看该作者
;P 我看G7的安排了,革命就是请客吃饭。
楼主发表于:2008-10-10 13:47只看该作者
无言以对:L untitled.JPGuntitled.JPG









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