As the year 2019 draws to an end, as the president of MBG, I would like to express my most enormous gratitude to your continuous support and trust. We are committed to providing the first-class trading platform and best customer service to our traders, ensuring that our cooperation is pleasant and mutually beneficial.
2019年已临近尾声,作为MBG的总裁, 我十分感谢您长期以来对MBG的信任与支持。我们致力于为客户提供一流的交易平台及优质的客户服务,以确保您与我们的合作十分愉快并且获得多赢的局面。
In the upcoming months, MBG will launch more marketing promotions to help you to develop an even more successful business.
First of all, in 2020, very soon, we will be accepting customers to open accounts under ASIC Australia.
Secondly, we are launching an exclusive IB Chinese New Year Cash Reward Program to thank you for your support and cooperation in MBG.
From 1st Jan to 29th Feb 2020, IB will receive a cash bonus equivalent to 1.5% of client equity if the percentage of withdrawal is less than 25%. For example, IB's client equity is $1million as of 1st Jan. In 29th Feb, total withdrawal is $200k and equity is $800k, $200k/$1million =20%, which is lower 25%, IB will receive cash bonus $12, 000 (1. 5% *$800k).
即自2020年1月1日至2020年2月29日期间,如IB名下客户出金比例在25%以下,则IB可获得其名下客户资金1.5%的现金奖励。举例说明:IB在1月1日平台统计资金净值为100万美金,在2月29日统计平台两个月里出金为20万美金,20万/100万=20%, 客户出金比例低于25%,则IB可获得12,000美金的现在奖励 (1. 5%*80万)
Finally, we are committed to provide anything you need to help you succeed. You just need to tell us what you need. Please send your requests and anything you want to say to us at [email protected] . Our senior management will be at your service.
最后,我们承诺提供任何您需要的协助来帮您成功,您只需要告诉我们您的需求。请通过[email protected] 向我们发送您的任何的需求和任何反馈。我们的管理层人员会随时为您服务。
With all my colleagues in MultiBank Group, I wish you and your family a Merry Christmas and a prosperous New Year!
N. Taher
Naser Taher, Chairman of MultiBank Group
那泽泰和, MBG 总裁
发表于:2019-12-24 17:12只看该作者
发表于:2019-12-25 01:35只看该作者
发表于:2019-12-25 15:04只看该作者
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